Chapter 162

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Bernie and Su stopped in front of the door that led to the cell where Greg was being held, she stopped in front of it, taking in a deep breath, Bernie noticed this as he had been looking at her since they left Spade's office.

She reminded him of the young man he used to share an office space with, the same person who he'd not seen for more than two weeks and now was presumed missing

But there was something different about her, her eyes, she had bright green emerald eyes, eyes that caught his attention the first time he saw her and she looked very beautiful, he could swear he'd never seen someone so beautiful before.

And the way her voice sounded when she spoke, soft, tender and very soothing.
He swallowed as he focused back on her, she seemed nervous and it showed on every part of her body, especially with the way she played with her fingers

"Do you want me to come with you"? He asked, watching as she looked up at him, she wasn't short, he was just rather tall, but she was a bit shorter than her brother.

Her big round eyes stared up at him as she shook her head gently
"No.. uhm.. I'm going to be fine" she whispered back before he nodded and bit his inner cheek

"I'll be out here if you need anything" he muttered, she nodded managing a small smile his way, which immedaitely melted his heart.

She walked in through the door and went down the flight of stairs, the place looked dark and cold, very empty too.
She was nervous no doubt, but she wasn't scared.

Her palms were moist and wet as she took each step closer to the cell, until she stopped at the last stairs, peering into the vast room, she saw bars, like the ones used in prison cells.

She walked gently away from the stairs and close to the cells, in the middle of the first one was the man she referred to as her father, tied to a chair, his face was bloodied and bruised.

She walked into the cell, making a scraping sound with the door, this made the man to look up, letting her see his face clearly, she didn't react or show any concern or pity.

He deserved everything happening to him now, for how he had treated them.
Although her father never really abused her physically like he did with Nate, but it still didn't mean he loved or cared for her.

She stood watching him as his lips tugged in a sadistic smile that showed his blood stained teeth, making him look even more hideous than he was before.

"I should have known you were the bitch that ratted me out to that bastard" he gritted out, making her clench her fists beside her
"Have you come to gloat or ask me that same dumb questions mafia boy has been asking me"?

"Where is Nate"? She asked in an almost whisper as her father groaned out in frustration, tilting his head to the back

"Oh come on, how do you all expect me to know where that wimp is"? He asked, staring at her.
She hated that he always called Nate names, it angered her so much that she wanted to stab a fork to his eyes.

"He's not a wimp" she gritted out and her father just started laughing, his shoulders shaking as he lowered his head down.

He looked up at her and cocked his brows
"He's a better man than you'll ever be" she spat at her father, and he just chuckled again, and used his tongue to swipe through his teeth, as if that would erase the blood on it.

"Is that what you're telling yourself? That your wimp of a brother that's sucking the dick of the man you're supposed to get married to is better than I am"? He asked, almost as if he was mocking her because he still had that smirk on his face

Spade (MxM) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora