Chapter 95

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Arriving at the restaurant Spade picked for the dinner, Nate didn't expect anything less but that didn't mean he wasn't surprised.
The restaurant was the typical billionaire, hot shot restaurant he always heard about.

He'd heard about it countless times, but he'd never had the luxury or privilege to eat there, it was a big and well known restaurant in the city, it was in the heart of the city, so they drove for a while before getting to it.

He looked at Spade and the man had stopped the car already, taking off his seatbelt, Nate followed suit but Spade was quick to step out and open the door for him, he looked up at Spade and the man had a soft gaze in his eyes for Nate, urging him to step out.

Not wanting to waste more time, he stepped out of the car, looking around the busy part of city, he'd never get used to seeing the busy streets of New York at night.
"Come on" Spade's voice broke his amusement sight seeing, as his eyes landed on Spade, he still could'nt get over the way Spade looked tonight, he wasn't expecting anything less but what he got was way more than he'd expected.

Spade was rocking the look so well that he kind of felt jealous, with his perfect, not too bushy but sexy beards, his great beautiful eyes and then his grey jacket and pants, they fit him so well as if they were tailored specially for him, they covered his perfect body but Nate could still see the outline of squared shoulders, they way they fit tightly around his biceps and arms, he just wanted to fall into those arms and never get up again.

Overall Spade looked mouthwatering, whoever he ended up with him would be extremely lucky, because the man was a full package.
They both entered into the restaurant after Spade had given one of the valet boys his car keys.

Spade's hand found themselves on Nate's back again, making him almost jolt but he maintained his posture this time.
They felt very warm, and large, almost covering the tiny space on his lower back, and as much as they made him feel safe, they filled his stomach with sweet fluttery butterfly feeling, even his legs were beginning to go jello

Inside the restaurant was just as magnificent as the outside, the chairs and tables were all coated in gold, and purple highlights, the chandelier up was also golden glass with white bright lights around it.

In between each table, there were huge vases of beautiful flowers, different types.
Even flowers he'd never seen before

They kind of separated the tables from each other, giving everyone a little bit of privacy.

The restaurant didn't look like the normal regular restaurants Nate was used to.
It smelled luxury and riches, even the way the servers dressed, he could bet that some of their outfits costs more than what he wore currently

One of the servers, a woman had walked towards them, smiling with her perfectly arranged white teeth.
"Good evening Mr DeVille, how can I be of service to you"? She asked her eyes darting between Spade and Nate.

"A reservation under DeVille" Spade's throaty voice, send sweet sweet sensational shivers right through his fingers down Nate's back, all the way up to his spine and shook his whole body.

The lady smiled, her eyes twinkling a little
"Right this way sir" she said turning around, Spade nudged Nate's back as they both followed the woman, she passed through the large dinning area and led them both through a door, it opened up and it was a small elevator that could house at the most four people, they stepped inside and the elevator started moving up, with both Spade and Nate standing behind the woman, the elevator stopped after a long painful minute, they stepped out and were met with a long corridor with doors on each side of it.

She stopped in front of the third door on the right, before she pressed on the keypad and soon the door made a loud swooshing sound and opened up, she stepped in first, turning on the lights, before Spade and Nate walked in.

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