Chapter 136

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Spade walked into the bedroom and towards the bed before he sat beside Nate, seeing him sitting there looking exhausted, his hair toppled over his face, and his eyes looked exhausted.
"Hey" Spade muttered and Nate just hummed, making Spade to frown a bit
"Had a rough day at work"? He asked and Nate just sighed out before he nodded again.
"Do you wanna talk about it"? He asked and Nate just shrugged.

"It's just this one client that's giving me serious problems... Well he's not the one giving me problems, his kids are" Nate explained, Spade just watched him, listening to what he was saying
"Their father wants to redesign his home, I was supposed to do it but I was handling the hotel project and then the club, so I told him to go to another person to do it for him, but he insisted I was gonna check out the new design, kind of needed my input on it, and I did" he paused to catch his breath, by now Spade already took his hand in his as he stroked the back with his fingers, that kind of soothed and calmed him down "I spotted some errors and mistakes and I pointed it out to him, now the problem is, his kids don't think they should correct those errors, while their father does, I'm stuck with trying to convince them otherwise" he finally finished, Spade just looked at him in awe and amusement, he could see the way he talked about work, he could tell it was something he liked doing.

"So what are you going to do now"? Spade asked and he just sighed out

"I don't know, it's really dragging my feet on the ground, and the client really likes the new plans I had shown him, but his kids don't want it" Nate explained.

Spade sighed out
"Well, I don't know much about redesigning and redevelopment but if there's one thing I'm sure of, is the fact that you're the best at what you do, and your client's kids are dummies for not seeing that" he joked, earning a smile from Nate, he smiled too cause he liked seeing Nate smile.

He got up and pulled Nate up with him, he pressed Nate's body to his as he toyed with a few strands of the young man's hair.
"Why don't I take your mind off work for a few hours" he husked, and he saw the way Nate's cheek heat up, making him chuckle
"Whatever you're thinking is not what I'm talking about, even though the idea is kind of tempting" he muttered, making Nate to lower his eyes as he bit his lips seductively

Spade growled out lowly, he leaned into Nate's ears, his fingers gripping tightly on Nate's hips
"Are you trying to seduce me? You want me to bend you over and ravish that sweet ass of yours"? Spade husked, his voice dripping with desire, lust and so much want, it actually made Nate's dick to go erect, it poked Spade's stomach, he groaned out
"Fuck baby, you're so hot when you get hard" he whispered into Nate's ears before his hands went down and he cupped Nate's erection, making the young man to gasp out as his hips bucked out a bit.

He so badly wanted to push Nate on the bed and have a taste of his hard cock, but that was not what Spade had in mind when he walked into the bedroom earlier, so instead he stroked Nate for a few seconds, earning light whimpers from the young man before he stopped, and sucked lightly on Nate's ears.

He pulled away and looked at Nate's almost closed eyes, they were dark and hooded, making him chuckle lightly.
"Why don't you go take a shower, wear something nice and let me take you out"? He suggested seeing the way Nate's eyes opened quickly in shock

"Really"? He asked almost excitedly and Spade nodded, looking at Nate's pink lips, he wanted to taste them but he knew if he started, he wouldn't want to stop, so he looked back up at Nate's eyes

"Yes, unless of course you have other plans" he said suggestively and Nate just smiled shaking his head, he knew what Spade was inclining too, the man had such a rotten mind.

"But I don't have my clothes here" he whined pouting, this made Spade's eyes to go dark, as his eyes zeroed in on the sift and pinkish part of Nate's lips, he gently brought his thumb on it and grazed it lightly.

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