Chapter 86

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Nate pushed the double doors and stepped out of the building, he felt the sun hit his face, making him look up at the scotching sun, it was a bit high up in the sky today and very hot too.

He eyes moved and landed on the figure standing close to a black Chevy, the same one Spade had been using the past few days to come pick him up to and from work, well at least today, Spade didn't go through the trouble of coming to pick him up to work, because he skipped and instead made plans to accompany Spade to wherever he was taking him, which was still a mystery to him.

His steps slowed down when we took in the outfit Spade was putting on.
A maroon coloured suit, it was shiny through the sun and he didn't need to ask to know it was fucking expensive, like always the man looked too poise and sharp.
Squared shoulders that were broad to the point they fitted his suit perfectly well, and the buttons of the jacket was let lose.

But Nate did a double take, he was second guessing his choice of outfit, maybe he didn't hear Spade correctly but the man had asked him to put on something casual, yet he was wearing a formal outfit, making Nate look out of place, like a cartoon character that got lost in a real human movie.

He looked at his outfit again and then back at Spade, who had dark shades on.
Compared to his regular casual outfit, Spade's suit looked more mature, made him look more appealing to the eyes.
Making Nate to feel self conscious, he could feel the insecurity crawl out, as he took slow steps towards Spade.

He stopped in front of Spade and looked up at him, seeing those grey eyes already set on him, he chewed on his inner cheek, feeling himself grow smaller in front of Spade's scrutinizing gaze.

"Hey" he whispered, mentally cussing at himself, he sounded like a cat being mauled to death.
This never happened when he was with someone else, it always happened whenever he was close to Spade.
With Matteo he never lost his voice or nerve, even though his father was a very scary man and the man scared the shit out of him as a kid and even as an adult, he was never this squeaky around him, maybe a little but not to the point of losing his voice and nerve at the same time.

But with Spade it was always like something that happens on impulse, by default.
And as much as he wanted to know why he was always like that, he didn't like it one bit.


Nate felt his whole body shake with desire, he felt his body cells move, and then the slight jump of his heart.
"You look nice"

His eyes lit up and grew big as his heart rate picked up, thumping very loud, he could almost feel how his blood vessels worked.
Spade just said something of a compliment to him, and not just any compliment, but about how he looked, his cheeks heated up and red crimson color adorned his cheeks as he lowered his eyes.

His thick long lashes moved with the wind, shielding his eyes from Spade.
Spade watched as his pale cheeks moved from pale to pinkish red, he was blushing.
One of the many things Spade found cute about him
"Come on" he muttered before getting into the car first and the Nate followed

He sat on the seat and pulled his seatbelt clicking it in.
He seemed more relax than he was the first time he entered Spade's car, even though he wasn't completely comfortable around him, Spade knew they were getting there, and nothing gave him more joy.

He drove away from Nate's building, after inputing the location Ryan had sent to him on his GPS.
Liam really did try to keep his family from the life he lived.

This made Spade to think far, making him actually think of something he'd never thought of before, the possibility of having a family.
He clenched his jaw as his hands wrapped tightly around the steering

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