Chapter 40

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Nate slowly picked up the cards from the table, with his heart held in his throat, he could literally feel the beating of his heart, it felt as if it would explode all over the table, staining Spade and the man in front of him with blood.

He held his breath as he peeled open his eyes and looked at the five cards with him, even with how anxious and scared he was, he still couldn't understand a thing about the cards he was holding, he couldn't tell if he had the right cards or his luck had run out and he lost Spade's ten million dollars.

With his breath still held, he watched the other man raise his cards too and look at it, his face was still slightly pulled up in a smile, so it was hard for Nate to ascertain if he'd won or if he had lost.

He just watched the man, his eyes moving between the man and the cards in his hands, the man's eyes moved up and with that smile on his face, his eyes darted from Spade to Nate before he looked back at his cards and let out a full grin.

He was the first to drop his cards on the table, Nate could only stare at the cards, not even understanding what they meant, his eyes peeled away from the cards and landed on Spade's face, like always his face gave away nothing, with his hands tucked inside his pocket, he had a stoic expression on his face as he narrowed his eyes on the man in front of them.

Nate bit the inner of his cheek before looking at the cards with him again.
Now he was more than anxious, he was soul shaking scared, what if he lost already?
From the smile on the other man's face, Nate was already sure he'd lost Spade's money.
Now it was certain that Spade will kill him and drag his body down to his father.

He looked back at Spade and he already had his eyes on him, not In a glare or hard stare, he was just emotionless as he stared at him.
Nate swallowed and looked at the cards again before looking at Spade, it was only but a small gesture, probably unintentionally, perhaps no one else even saw it, but Nate noticed it.
Spade gave a small nod, as if telling Nate it was okay to place the cards on the table.

Nate let out a sigh of relief as if he could finally breathe, but still his heart was still lodged in his throat, as he faced the man in front of them who still had a smile on his face.
Nate slowly placed the cards in the middle of the huge table, all the while holding his breath.
He shut his eyes the moment the cards left his hands on the table completely, afraid to look up and see the disappointment and anger in Spade's eyes, he knew he had lost the game already.

The place was pin drop silent, the other tables were still having their games like nothing was happening, but he could barely hear them, all he could hear was the sound of his heart pounding loudly as he waited for the cheering from the man in front of them, he still didn't hear anything.

After a few seconds he slowly peeled his eyes open and looked at the cards again before his eyes moved up slowly and landed on the man in front of him who still had that unwavering smile on his face.

He swallowed before he felt Spade's presence right behind him, he could almost feel his chest on his back as he could smell the familiar scent of Spade.
"You won" his husky voice brushed through Nate's ears as his eyes widened slightly and he turned with speed to face Spade, now their faces were merely inches apart but that was not the only thing on his mind now.

"What"? He whispered and he could see the slight tilt of Spade's lip, that was the most emotion he'd seen from the man asides the constant anger and brooding eyes he always had on.

"You won Miller" he rasped again as his eyes moved from Nate's eyes down to his lips, their closeness was somehow affecting him but he couldn't bring himself to move back a bit and give them space, he was somehow basking in the sweet scent of aftershave wafting his nose from Nate.

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