Chapter 120

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Spade couldn't understand why Nate had suddenly gone pale and shifty after he got off the phone with his father.
He'd agreed to drive him to his apartment, but Nate made him wait for him in the car.

He wondered why Greg had suddenly want to meet Nate, at this ungodly hour and that too at Nate's apartment.
And he still couldn't get over the way Nate had suddenly gone quiet throughout their drive here, he'd try to make conversation with him but Nate just seemed zoned out for the most of it, it was like when they'd just met, but now it was worse, because he wasn't the reason Nate was quiet

Now that he was thinking of it, maybe he was never the reason Nate was always quiet, he just didn't look closely or he was just paranoid.

He sighed out, looking out of his car towards Nate's apartment building, he had been gone for almost 30 minutes, what exactly were they talking about that took so long.
He scratched his beards.

The way Nate was acting reminded him of someone, he knew someone that always acted like that, and only one reason why the person was like that, their reason can't possibly be the same as why Nate was acting like this.

He knew Greg was so many things, but he couldn't for the life of him think the man could possibly be abusing his own son, of course he's just paranoid, nothing like that was happening, Nate would have told him.

Yeah right, you remember you used to always threaten to kill him?

His subconscious mocked him, but that time had long passed, they were together now and Nate had promised to always talk to him, and he didn't think Nate would want to keep something like this from him.

Just then the double doors opened up and Nate walked out, with Greg following right behind him, he clenched his jaw when he saw the older man, he hated Greg with everything in him.

The man had ruined a lot of things for his family, and the fact that his father never found out was another huge anger for him.
Why did he have to be the father of the man Spade liked

He knew he had agreed to marry the man's daughter before, but that was quite different, he had a motive behind that, something he still hasn't told Nate yet.

He didn't even know if he could tell Nate now, what if Nate decided he didn't want to be with him after hearing it
Even Matteo never really knew the real reason he had wanted that marriage alliance in the first place.

He saw Greg say something to Nate before he let the young man go, he watched Nate walk towards his car, he opened the car door and entered, still not saying anything to Spade.

"What did he want"? Spade asked and Nate just shrugged, his face still looked blank and pale, like he heard something he shouldn't have

"Nothing much, he just said he was in the area and wanted to check up on me" Nate muttered, Spade already knew he was lying because that may have been why Greg came but he knew it wasn't the only reason.

But why was Nate lying to him, he could easily go check the footage from Matteo's penthouse, but he wanted to hear it from Nate himself, he didn't want it to look like he was abusing the small power he had over Nate or the likeness the young man had shown him.

He just looked at Nate for a good few seconds before he drove out of the area, heading back to his own house.
He stole glances at Nate once in a while, he could visibly see the tension around Nate, and he could feel it in the car too.
Just what did Greg tell Nate?

Nate on the other hand was feeling very nervous and tensed up, he'd been feeling like that since he received that call from his father.

He was beginning to feel very comfortable with Spade that he had forgotten he still had someone like his father in his life, and tonight was a reminder that the man would never actually let him have a little peace and quiet.

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