Chapter 48

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Watching both men walk out his father's study, Nate could suddenly feel the situation of things dawn on him.
The level of what had just gone down in the study finally dawned on him.
He could feel his father's hard gaze on him, it scared the living day light out of him, like it always did.
The only reason he hadn't felt the fear creep through his skin was because of Spade, in a way, Spade made him feel safe around his father, distracted him from the situation of reality, compared to his father's stare, Spade's was far more intimidating but he preferred it to his father's hard stare.

"What did he mean by you knowing where your sister is"? His father's hard, strong and angry voice resonated through the study, catching his attention as he slowly looked at the man, his lips parted slightly as he looked at the raged filled look in his father's eyes.
He didn't know what to say, all words had suddenly eluded him as he looked at his father.
"Are you gonna answer me or you're just gonna stand there like a fool"? His father growled out making him recoil back.

This was the same him that stood up to Spade more than once but he could barely even look his father in the eyes, everything the man said chilled him to the bones, he could feel the clamminess in his hands, he felt suffocated with the words and look of his father.

The man took slow menacing steps towards Nate, his jaw clenched hard and his stare so hard, Nate could feel his whole body vaporise with fear.
"Were you in on this? Is this one of your stupid plans"? His father asked making him shake his head frantically

"No.. no..I.." he stuttered trying to get his words out complete but nothing was coming out for him, his eyes darted between his father and the door, he felt small under the man's gaze.
He would never stop being afraid of his father, the man had planted the seed of terror inside of him, it was rooted deep in the debts of his soul that he could feel it eat deep inside of him.

His father stood in front of him, even though they were of the same height, he felt small as his father's sharp gaze cut through his skin, breaking him like a twig.
His hands grabbed Nate's clothes tightening around his neck, he fisted it  tight in his grasp and pulled the boy closer to him, Nate could smell the alcohol in his breath

"Where the fuck is your whore of a sister"? He growled out, making Nate swallow fearfully, his brown eyes shimmering with fear and tears as he looked between his father's Grey anger ridden eyes.
He felt the clog in his throat as he found it difficult to breathe, words weren't coming out but he so badly wanted to tell their father that his sister was in fact not a whore.
"Answer me you bastard" he growled out his grip on Nate's shirt tightening.

Nate could only look as he suddenly became unresponsive, all his system had shut down, even his brain was no longer working in favor of him.
He completely froze on the spot, feeling his whole body helplessly crawl with fear, pain and anguish

Why was he so weak and pathetic, for once he should be able to stand up for himself but everytime it came down to this, his whole body automatically shut down, it was his form of defense mechanism.
Nothing about his body worked in his favor

His father shoved him away roughly making him almost stumble on his ass, he was breathing hard as he raised his head to look at his father, but he could barely see anything as the tears blinded his vision, and this made him not see the fist that flew his way.

He only realized it when he felt the impact on his jaw, hearing the crack sound, his head flew to the right side as his head connected with the rugged floor, he groaned out feeling his head heavy and a familiar ringing in his ears, his vision had suddenly gone hazy and unclear.
He tried to get up again, but he couldn't as he felt another strong and painful jab to his side, pushing him back down, he coughed out, choking on his own spit.

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