Chapter 6

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He unbuttoned his shirt and starts folding the sleeve as he walked towards his mini bar in his house, this was his own personal haven, unlike other Capones he didn't live with his men in the huge mansion, no instead he had a rather smaller, much comfortable and homely place just by the side of the mansion meant for his men.

It was inside the same compound but you'd never guess he lived there, it wasn't too huge or flashy, it was just perfect for him.
Everything he needed was there and the peace and quiet was the most amazing thing about the house that he liked

He took out a whiskey bottle and a small glass, he opened the bottle and poured a small quantity of whiskey into his cup, before dropping the bottle back in it's place.

He walked around the island in the bar, and towards the living room, he sat on the couch still holding the half filled glass of whiskey in his one hand and used the other hand to pick up the file Matteo gave him earlier that day.

He dropped the glass on the table in front of him and opened the file, Matteo was right, it was an exact replica of the one he took from Greg's office but as he read through it, he could see the added changed in it.
And Matteo was smart enough to make it hidden, that even if Greg decided to read through contract, he wouldn't see it.
That was why Matteo was in charge of almost everything that involved paperwork, and the dirty work that Spade couldn't carry out himself.

He dropped the file on the table and picked up the brown envelope, the one that contained information about Nathan Miller, the young man that had managed to pique his interest since meeting him.

He opened the file and the first thing he saw was a huge picture of him in the front page, he took a while to look at the picture and study his facial features, he had no facial hair, his face look as smooth as a baby's butt, and his nose was kind of small, not too small and also very pointy, his eyes looked kind of dull and lost.

He narrowed his eyes still looking at him before flipping the page to the next.
'Nathan Miller, 22 year old American, CEO of Miller enterprises'

According to the file, He took over from his father at quite a young age, he was only 19 when he became the CEO.

Prior to that time, no one had ever heard of him or knew he was Greg's son, strange.
No social media handles, he barely even had enough pictures on the internet.

Just a few events he was at and the media was able to capture his face without him knowing, a few of which were in this file

His educational background was not mentioned anywhere.
Relationship status, single.
He had never been seen with a woman or man, not once since he became the CEO.

He was always alone at events, except he had to go with someone then he'd go with his Secretary.
For some strange reason, that kind of interested Spade the more.

What kind of a man was he?
No matter how careful he was, surely once someone must have caught a picture of him with a woman, even if not in an event, outside work or trips

His life outside the office was not mentioned either.
Actually there really isn't much about Nathan Miller in the file, just basic things anyone could see from a mile away.

Spade kept flipping till the last page of the file and there was nothing to say about him.
He was a bit disappointed and maybe a bit more interested in Nathan.

Who exactly was Nathan Miller?

He ran his hands through his face and scratched his beards, looking at the file.
This was a dead end.

Obviously he needed to do the work himself, find out who this man was and why had Greg hidden him away all these years.

He was going to find out just who Nathan Miller is and he'd do that pretty fast.
He closed the file and dropped it on the table while picking up the glass of whiskey and gulping it all at a go.

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