Chapter 167

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Running through the corridor, Spade took the nearest left turn that led down another corridor, okay Matteo was right, this place was a fucking maze, he was running when he almost bumped into Matteo, who was also headed towards the same direction.

"Was that you"? He asked breathlessly and Matteo just shook his head

"I thought it was you" he muttered, and Spade clenched his jaws "and it's not Bernie, because he's with me"

"Shit" Spade cussed out, he knew it wasn't Nico or Vince, he left them downstairs, he rushed towards where they had heard the sound, with Matteo right behind him, as they kept meeting more corridors on the way, making it even hard to decipher where the sound had come from.

They took another turn, both of them already hoping this would be the last one, because it seemed they were getting lost in this house.
They both stopped in their tracks at the foot of the corridor, it was just as long as the others, but he didn't bother looking at the end, because what he was seeing made his blood run cold.

Salvatore had a gun pointed at Nate, and his one hand was clutching tightly to Nate's hair as he banged the young man's head on the wall

There was blood trickling down his head where there was a small gash, Salvatore's back was to both men and before Spade could react he heard another loud bang of gunshot, and it snapped him as he rushed towards where Nate was, Salvatore let out a loud scream as he fell on the ground.

Matteo had shot his legs, he rushed behind Spade and stopped close to Salvatore, kicking the gun away from his hand.

Nate was on the ground, with his face up, Spade crouched down beside him, looking over him, he cupped Nate's face in his hands, whose eyes were half open and half closed
"Hey baby, oh God, look at me" Spade rushed out as he tried to touch the bloody part of Nate's head, the young man groaned out.
Spade clenched his jaw before his eyes moved to Salvatore, while was still clutching to his leg that was shot, with Matteo holding a gun to his head.

Spade got up, with anger, looking down at Salvatore, who had a lopsided grin on his face, it annoyed Spade to no end, he gritted his teeth before he swung his fists and it came landing on Salvatore's jaw, causing his head to whip to the side, as he groaned out.

Before he could turn back to look at Spade, he used the but of his pistol and hit Salvatore on the head, making him to fall down as he passed out

Spade rushed back towards Nate as he held his face in his large palms "hey baby, look at me" he cooed, shaking Nate as the young man was already coming to, his eyes weren't closed like before and he frowned as he stared back at Spade.

"Spade" he mumbled, causing Spade to stroke his cheeks with his thumbs.

"It's me baby, I'm here" he cooed, examining Nate's wounds, but he was surprised when Nate used his own hand to push Spade's hands off his face, causing Spade to clench his jaw and frown, Nate groaned out as he tried to get up, Spade placed his hand on Nate's arms, trying to help him up but he just shrugged Spade's hands off

His eyes landed on Matteo who was trying to pick up a passed out Salvatore from the floor, the blonde looked up at him and gave him a warming sad smile, he didn't return it, he just stared at him, before his eyes landed on Spade again, who was looking at him.

"Can you stand on your own"? Spade asked, trying to touch his face but he just turned sideways

"I'm fine" he mumbled out, Spade shut his eyes and clenched his jaws, letting his eyes rake through Nate's body, stopping at the cuff on his hands.
He quickly moved away from Nate as he went towards Salvatore, crouching down before he started rummaging through his pockets, possibly searching for a key

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