Chapter 140

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Spade had been sitting in the chair, thinking hard and deep, he couldn't understand what was happening anymore, what was going on between him and Nate

Since that night of their date, the young man had completely stayed away from him and ignored his presence, it was as if Nate couldn't stand being around him, and the worst of it was the fact that Nate didn't tell him anything or react in a way that showed he was either mad, pissed off or angry.

He just simply stayed away and gave Spade a silent treatment, he barely even let the man touch him.
And it was killing Spade, he didn't like this one bit, it was messing with his head so badly, he was feeling it throb as he rubbed his temple.

Nate hadn't even come to his house and whenever he talked about going to see the young man, he would make up an excuse that kept him away from Spade

If he found out Spade was in love with him, at least he would say so and put Spade out of his misery, instead of just punishing him like this, and if it was something he had said, Nate should just tell him, he would apologise and they would move on.

He sighed out, blowing heavy air out of his mouth before he got up, he walked out of the office, heading toward Nate's office, it felt very familiar, just like when Nate was avoiding him after their first kiss.

He hoped this didn't end like that day though, because now he didn't think he could bear staying away from Nate.

He pushed the door to Nate's office open and walked inside, thank God Bernie was not in, Matteo was at the warehouse, so it was just him and Nate.
Immedaitely the young man's eyes met his, he saw the way Nate froze up and his posture grew tense.

He walked into the office and stood in front of the table, the air was now tense an awkward and he hated it so badly.
"Hey" he rasped out, Nate quickly looked away from him

"Hi" he whispered before he continued what he was doing as if Spade wasn't in front of him, this made Spade to clench his jaw as he narrowed his eyes on Nate

"We need to talk"

Nate didn't even spare him a glance, and that was riling him up so bad, but he was trying to keep his cool
"Can we do this later, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now" Nate rushed out, Spade growled out

"Can you stop and just listen to me for one second" he gritted out, he saw Nate pause for a while, shutting his eyes

He finally looked away from the paper in front of him, his eyes slowly moving up and landing on Spade who looked very tired, distraught and exhausted.
"What's wrong Nate"? Spade asked, hoping to get an answer from the young man but all he got was his look

"Nothing" he finally whispered out and Spade couldn't help but scoff lightly

"Don't give me that bullshit of nothing Nate, you've been acting off for the past few days and you're telling me nothing" Spade almost snapped
"What's going on with you? You've changed, you don't talk to me like you used to, you're always so tense and obviously uncomfortable around me, you dont let me touch you, it's suddenly as if you can't stand being around me" Spade rushed out

Nate sighed out, seeing the conflicted and hurt look in Spade's eyes "I..." Spade cut him off

"And don't even think about telling me that it's nothing" he muttered out sternly

Nate looked at him, his eyes looking conflicted, he opened his mouth to speak but he stopped himself, his eyes suddenly darting around the room before he looked back at Spade again.
"There's a lot going on with me that I need to figure out and I can't explain it to you, I wish I could" he paused

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