Chapter 60

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Spade parked his car outside his warehouse, it had been a while he had been here, since the whole Nate issue and the marriage contract, he seemed to be too occupied to even come check on the warehouse, thank God he had Matteo and a few other trusted men here that were keeping an eye on things for him.

He stepped out of the car and walked towards the metallic doors, pulling it open he stepped inside the cold warehouse, facing a flight of stairs that led down to where all operations were being carried out, he took the stairs, walking down with power and confidence.

He reached the end of the stairs and pulled open the metal door, making a loud creaking sound, he stepped inside the huge room.
It was not crowded today with too much of his men, there was a round table in one corner of the room as men gathered around playing cards and cheering, on another part of the room was another table, some of his men were there with guns, cleaning and arranging them.

He stalked by the men on each table, hearing their low murmurs of 'boss' as he just walked barely even giving them anything other than a grunt, he passed the middle of the room and headed towards another door that sat at the far end of the room, it was a single door.

He stopped in front of the door and pushed it open, stepping inside the almost dark corridor, his eyes moved towards the end of the corridor and he sighed out walking towards his office here, it was the third door on the left side of the corridor.

He stopped in front of it and latched his hand on the knob, turning it and opening the door, it wasn't locked so he stepped inside.
The room was dark but since he'd been walking through the dark corridor, his eyes didn't need time to adjust to the darkness as he could see almost perfectly well.

His eyes moved to the single chair in front of his table and saw Matteo sitting down on it casually, as if he owned the office, twirling the chair around.
"Thought you weren't coming" he muttered his eyes trained on Spade.

Spade let out a deep breath as he grounded his teeth together.
"Quit whining" he grumbled out and he heard Matteo snort out, he took off his jacket and placed it on the chair
"You ready"? He asked and the blonde just nodded as they both walked out of the office, heading back towards the door through which Spade just walked in, but before reaching the door, they both took a right turn and headed down another long hallway, going down a flight of stairs at the end of the hallway, they stopped at the last one and pulled open the single metallic door, and from the entrance they could both see the man gagged and tied down to a chair.

Spade stepped into the room first and Matteo followed right behind him, making the man tied on the chair to squirm as his eyes widened in horror and fear.

Matteo's face had moved from the calm and cool look he had on, to a dangerous and heartless one.
He could flip the switch like that on his emotions, asides being in the mafia, it had something to do with his childhood.

They closed the door and it made a loud noise, making the man on the chair flinch in fear as his scared eyes moved from Spade to Matteo

"Hello Lucas" Spade muttered with a sinister smirk on his face, he saw the fear and terror in the man's eyes, the shimmering of tears, he shoved his hands into his pockets as he took slow steps towards the man.
"You didn't think I'd forgotten about you, did you"? He asked and the man just made muffle sounds shaking his head in fear
"I gave you ample time to think it through and then when I come back, you'd be ready to tell me the truth" he muttered before standing behind the man, letting his hand rest on his shoulder, he gave it a light squeeze, the man eyes moved to his shoulder as he saw Spade's ring clad fingers, he swallowed and frightfully looked away
"Whoever you're working with clearly doesn't care about you, because if they did..." He paused walking all the way to the man's front and leaning towards his face "you'd be out of here a long time ago, but here you are" he mocked looking the man over, bruises were scattered all over his face, his clothes was stained with blood and his face looked like if he'd have to endure any more torture, he'd die
"So why don't you do yourself a favor Lucas, and tell me who they are, tell me who you tipped off about the shipment, and why you're covering up for them" he muttered, his minty breath fanning the man's face, the man just kept shaking his head as he looked at Spade's eyes and then at Matteo
"What? No? You don't wanna tell me"? He asked as if teasing the man.
"Oh" he muttered before his hands went to the duck tape on his mouth, he peeled it off with so much force that the man feared his skin would peel off with the tape.
He grimaced and groaned, breathing hard

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