Chapter 45

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He was running as hard and as fast as his legs could take him but it felt like he was on a thread mill, he wasn't even moving, he was stuck on the same spot, panting hard he turned and looked back, big mistake, because he almost lost it when he realized the person chasing him was almost upon him, they were just right behind him

He increased his pace but the thread mill only increased speed too, he pushed himself, feeling his chest tighten and his lungs running out of air, but the more he pushed the weaker he got and the slower his steps became.

Any minute now and whoever was chasing him would catch up with him.
He shut his eyes tight and prayed to whoever was listening up there to please help him out.
The person chasing him can not catch up with him.

The road was dark and deserted, the only thing that could be heard were the short gasps he took and the thumping of his legs on the ground as he ran tooth and nail, he looked ahead and the road was empty, endless and dark, even if he screamed no one would hear him.

He was scared of looking back because he knew the person chasing him was gaining on him fast.
His lungs and feet were threatening to give up on him, the road was endless as he tried to move further away, panting hard, his eyes darted around the road, looking at the deserted houses and the dark empty road.

If only someone could just come out, anyone at all, he could scream for help and get out of this endless chase.
He shut his eyes feeling the heavy pounding of his heart, the wheezing of his breath and the tightness in his chest.

He felt his legs tangle together, like something had tied his legs together, he couldn't go forward or move his legs, turning back to look behind him, he tripped and fell face flat, hitting hard on the cold, hard tarred road, he groaned out as he felt his cheek go from tired to painful, he could hear the ringing in his head and the way blood rushed to his head, his eyes could only see clear black dots.

He put his palm against the hard ground and turned around, breathing hard and clearing his vision he was faced with the black sky, thick and dark with no stars in sight.
He swallowed hard and took in a deep breath, he could no longer hear the loud footsteps of the person chasing him.
Had they finally given up?

He tried to raise his head but it felt too heavy, he groaned and fell back down with his head hitting the ground.
He heard clicking sounds before he saw the figure perch over him, with a gun in his hand.
He had a sadistic smirk on, a lopsided grin tugged at his lips as he blocked Nate's view of the dark sky.

"Tired of running Nate" the voice boomed through the empty night, he only groaned out unable to answer the person standing above him, with his mouth open he could feel his throat run dry.
"You can't run away from me, neither can you hide from me, I'd always find you" the person muttered
"No one can save you from me" the person added with a deadly look and dangerous voice, this made Nate struggle to get up but he kept falling back down.

The person didn't even try to stop him, he just stood over him and watched him struggle, as if he knew Nate wouldn't be able to get up, he was somewhat intrigued watching him try though.

He pulled the gun out from his back and pointed it to Nate's head, he felt his blood run cold, his whole body going stiff, with his eyes going wide and his lips parting slightly.
He felt the cold surface of the gun pressed against his forehead, the person clicked the safety off and pressed it even deeper against his forehead.

"I told you I'd kill you if you tried to run away from me didn't I"? The person asked and Nate couldn't even say anything in response to this, he just looked with fear in his eyes, the streets was still very empty, and him screaming for help would be like asking this person to kill him, and also he felt his throat clogged with a huge lump, stopping him from even screaming even if he wanted to.

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