Chapter 11

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I let out a deep breath as I looked at the neon sign from inside my car, Lust.
A very famous Club, owned by none other than Spade

I honestly didn't wanna be here today, I'm out doing this for Su, She's signing her life away to a total stranger, the least I can do is this.

But I still don't get why he wants me to apologise, I mean I know why he wants me to apologise but I don't get why he is making a big deal about it.

I opened the car and stepped out, feeling the evening sun touch my skin, it didn't burn like the afternoon scorching sun but it was still pretty hot, there was a guy stationed in front of the club, he wore all black, had muscles all over and his face looked scary.

I walked towards the front door, I was thinking the guy would stop me or ask me any question, but instead he just kept his hard stare on me as I walked inside the club.

It was kind of empty, with Dim blue lights lighting the place up, there was a few chairs and table on each side of the huge room, leaving the middle completely vacant, that should be the dancefloor

There was a waitress tho, a girl wearing a black crop top, she was cleaning the island on the bar, I walked towards the bar and stopped in front of the island, my eyes raked through her body, she had a bangle on her wrist, and a lot of knuckle rings.

A closer look at her face and i could see a nose ring on her nose, and a few lined up on her ears.
She had black eye liner on, too much if you ask me.

I cleared my throat and caught her attention on me, she looked up at me and smiled
"What can I do for you handsome" she purred and I could see the ring on her tongue too.

"Um...I'm looking for Sp.... Sorry Mr DeVille" I quickly rushed out looking at her, I could see her facial expression go from flirting to serious.

She dropped the towel with her on the island, placing both her hands on it.
"Why do you want to see him"? She asked, her voice no longer sweet or soft.

I open my mouth to answer but someone else's voice beat mine.
"Scar, you're still here, I thought your shift ended hours ago"? The person asked making me turn to look at them, it was a blonde guy, he didn't look like the man I saw outside, he wasn't dressed in black like I'd expected and he didn't look big or bulky, just a regular blonde guy, he was putting on a blue buttoned up shirt, a parting on the side of his hair, separating it into two.

He noticed my presence and his lips quirped up in a half smile as his eyes moved from my head, to my toe and back, Like he was checking me out
"You're Nathan Miller"? He asked looking me over again, as if he didn't wanna believe it was me, but what caught my attention is the fact that he knew my name, and he didn't look familiar in the slightest.

"Have we met"? I ask scrunching my brows up

"No, but I never forget a face" he muttered still looking at me with amusement in his eyes.
The girl standing there was just watching us both, she didn't say a word, her eyes kept darting from me to the blonde guy.
"The boss is expecting you, follow me" he said before turning around and walking away from the bar, I watched his back thinking if I should follow him, or not
"Are you coming"? He asked without looking back, I just sighed out before following him.

I turned to look back and the girl in the bar was just watching me.
I bumped into something and I turned to see that I had hit the blonde guy
"Easy there tiger" he purred smiling at me.

We had stopped in front of a boot, with luxurious red colored couches in it, a pole in the middle of it and purple neon lights.
We were at the VIP boot.

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