Chapter 164

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Clicking of shoes was heard on the marbled floor as the door opened and he walked in, Nate laid on the bed, almost lifeless, although his legs had been released, his hands were still bound to the bed post, with his head facing the other side, he didn't bother turning to see who it was because he already knew who it was.

He'd been motionless like that for the past 24 hours, not moving or saying anything, he wasn't even reacting to anything done to him.
After that man had touched him, he still had a little fight in him, but with every other day for the past five days that he had come to do the same thing over and over again to him, he slowly lost a part of himself.

The part that wanted to fight to get out of that awful place, he didn't think he had the fight in him anymore.
He just laid there day in, day out, waiting for whenever he would come to touch him.
He didn't even care if the man wanted to kill him, that would even be better because laying down there, he was already dead inside.

And everyday the man made sure to remind him how unwanted he was, telling him no one would come save him, not even Spade.
He'd stopped eating the previous day, hoping he'd die of starvation, that was far better than what he was suffering

He heard the man sit down on the chair, he could tell because he heard the creaking sound.
"They told me you refused to eat last night" he stated, Nate just stared at the open space in front of him.
"You know I'm not going to force you to eat, I don't care if you eat or not, you're not a guest here, you're leverage" the man added.

Not that he wasn't listening to what was being said to him, but he didn't really care
"You no eating is not gonna stop me from fucking that little hole of yours" he said, his voice taunting Nate, but he barely reacted to it "oh and before I forget, I've been meaning to let you in on something, your daddy dearest is dead" this made Nate to finally react as he whipped his head to the side, his eyes meeting with one damaged eyes and one good eye holding an evil glint, with a smirk on his lips
"Yes Natey, I killed your father, and your boyfriend is next, and then your sister, I'm gonna take everything and everyone you love away from you" he taunted, watching as Nate's eyes began to gloss over.

What did he ever do to this man?
Yes he get that his father had done something unspeakable to his sister, but he was not his father and he didn't deserve to suffer for his sins.

And hearing that the man had killed his father, he wasn't a big fan or supporter of his father but the man was the only parent he had left, after this same hideous man had killed his mother, and now his father too.

Now he realized the man wasn't joking at all, and he meant it when he said he'd kill the people Nate cared about.
He just prayed he couldn't get to Su, she was the most vulnerable of all the people he cared about, Spade could take care of himself, he owned a mafia, but not knowing how evil this man was, was actually very dangerous for Spade, because he'd keep letting this man into his inner circle and handing him information about himself on a platter of gold.

"It's nothing personal, I just like to see that sad, painful look in your eyes, it makes me feel thrilled, and I also want to watch Spade beg on his knees when he realizes that I have you in my custody before I kill him" he added, tilting his lips up on the side in a sadistic, evil smile.

Making his face even more hideous than it originally looked.
Nate swallowed hard as he started taking in shallow breaths.

He just wanted all this to end, he wished he was never born and that too to his father.
His luck would never have been this bad.
All his life he'd been suffering, from one thing to another, and when he met Spade that he thought everything was finally going okay and perfect, it gets ruined again.

And he finds himself back where he never wished to be, at the mercies if this heartless man who would stop at nothing to make his life miserable.

He felt his throat fill with a huge lump, and his eyes already brimming with tears, but he would not give him the satisfaction of seeing him cry, instead he just turned his head and faced the blank empty space on the wall, drowning out the man's words and his existence all together.

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