7 - friendship

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- Maddy -
-- Two Days Later --

I unbuckled my seatbelt before putting the sketch book in my backpack, getting out of the car to stop by the boot. "You know, i don't want to sound noisy but what exactly had you constantly been drawing on our little adventure away? Every night i saw your tent had a light on." My aunt spoke whilst opening the boot up.

"Just some boring sketches. You know how i am. Every trip i have to make it memorable in my notebook too." I innocently replied and grabbed my camping bag to set it on the ground.

"Mads, you can trust me. I'm not like your parents. We share many secrets and i'll never be in the mindset to tell on you." Audrey confessed, holding up her smile.

"I've found an inspiration so i'm taking an advantage of it. And of course thank you for this cleanser! A weekend trip to the mountains is just everything i dream of when school is off."

"You're welcome, Mads. I enjoy these adventures too and i'm glad i have company." My aunt responded and closed the boot, ready to head back to her house.

"But come on. What's this inspiration you have?" Audrey kept nudging me with a smile. "Oh you. Won't give up, won't you?" I asked however zipped open my backpack, pulling the notebook out.

"We don't hide secrets though. Your parents are still in slight denial of you liking girls but i don't have a problem with that. They barely have time to take you on these trips but i'm here to bring you along." She proudly explained, at this point convincing me so i flipped the last sketch i did in the car ride to show it to her.

"Oh. A woman?" Her eyes gave me a glance but looked back down, absorbing the drawing. "Mhm. The only reason i didn't really want to show it but like you said, we don't hide anything from each other." I said and watched as she turned the pages.

"She's beautiful, Maddy."

"She really is." I mumbled under my breath, staring at the sketch myself that she stopped on. "It seems as you're opening up your choices though." I heard her comment before handing the notebook back.

"What do you mean?" I asked, zipping my bag closed.

"I can tell she's a woman. Not a girl your age. What's going on? You can tell me." Audrey question with an assuring smile.

"Nothing is going on. She's just my new art teacher. Sure, first time i've been so, i don't know, amused by a woman but i'm convinced that she's just extremely mesmerizing so that's why." I politely explained.

"Well, okay. Watch out, kiddo. Of course i support you on anything but this situation is definitely more than just usual. Main thing is the fact that she's your teacher. You know nothing can happen." Her hand caressed my shoulder, trying to make this seem less painful.

"It's okay, Audrey. I'm not thinking of her in that way. Just a charming woman and i love her company. But once again, thank you for this cleanser. I'll probably only be able to drag my parents out next month. Adults are just so busy."

"Anytime, Mads. I'll be heading back though. Sleep well tonight. Got school tomorrow." She threw me one last smile before stepping in the car and speeding away.

"I'm home!" I yelled out and sat the two bags by the door, walking further inside to notice both of them in the kitchen.

"Hey, darling!" My mother opened her arms, welcoming me with a warm hug. "How did the trip go? Didn't get faced with bears?" Spencer, my dad, asked with a laugh. "We're not that fearless to book campsites with the possibility of that happening." I laughed back after saying.

"Any new sketches from the adventure? I remember you always did them even though the last time we traveled was on August." My mother questioned and i immediately paused on taking the bite of the food they had prepared.

"Uhh.. no. I had no free time on doing any. But dad, are you gonna be able to take me to school tomorrow morning? My legs are absolutely done for. The tensed hiking is gonna have a hold of me for a few days." I said, actually in need of that but also to bring their attention off the lie i just came up with.

"No problem! Anything for my daughter. But you know that your teacher is also our neighbor? I had just a few minutes ago found that out. Lauren had been here, apparently your mom is getting along with her pretty well lately." My dad suddenly confessed, bringing my eyes on Sandra.

"Mom? What's going on? You and Ms Hale are friends?" I asked, absolutely taken back by the news. "Well yeah. She's actually a friendly woman despite her being financially more stable. You had left for your trip and dad was taking extra work shifts so i was bored, me and her had visited one another this weekend."

"Mhm. Great. Now i have to kick up my grades otherwise she's just gonna be snitching on me to you." I exclaimed with annoyance, chewing down on the food. "Excuse you! What's going on with your grades? What do you have to tell us?" Spencer spoke in.

"Dad! Nothing- honestly, i have to go to bed. I can see the wine bottle so you two can begin your romantic evening." I stood up and grabbed the plate with me, leaving right to the bedroom.


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