32 - letting go

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- Lauren -
-- A Few Days Later --

I gave out a breath and finally unlocked the phone, the screen of Maddy's contact already the first thing that popped up.

Me: are you awake?

I sent the message out even though it was close to midnight already but this is how we've been going back and forth like. Late night chats for extra safety on her parents not knowing anything.

Maddy: yes.

Dry. She's either mad or sad..

Me: i'm sorry about yesterday. i didn't have time to text you back at all. the cabin needed extreme tidying now that i'm living here every day

Maddy: it's okay. how are you?

God. These questions just make me want to burst out crying.

Me: fine. i guess. you?

Maddy: sad.

Me: can i call you? are your parents still awake?

Maddy: i don't know. i don't hear anything so probably sleeping but we shouldn't talk on a call just in case

Me: Okay. Yeah. I understand. Well, have you finally been eating though?

Maddy: why do you care?

Me: please, sweetheart. i'll always care about you. together or not, i will care

Maddy: then come over. i don't even care that they would hear but break this stupid door down and let us just be together! you know how much i need you, lauren

Me: we both know that's not a good idea, love.

Maddy: i need you. please

Me: you don't, baby. you need to let me go for just a little while. until you graduate.

Maddy: i can't let you go. it hurts too much.

Me: you have to. like i have.

Maddy: you let me go? already?

Me: what do i have to tell you to understand that you can't be doing this to yourself? Maddy, i don't want to hurt you by lying and saying that i don't love you anymore because we both know that's not true but you have to focus on your life for now. Please do that for me.

Maddy: i hate you

Me: i'm sorry, Maddy but just be patient. we'll get through this but you just have to wait a little bit.

No reply back. Only read.

-- A Few Days Later --

Maddy: Lauren

Me: yes?

Maddy: i'm starting to realize that yes, i want to move on like you said but the other part of me is fighting against that and letting me remember how happy you made me at one point

Me: sweetheart, i don't want you to keep thinking about the memories of us. they hold deeper sadness in you from knowing we can't make new ones right now

Maddy: will you ever return? will you remember me after i graduate?

Me: i will! don't doubt it!

Maddy: lauren come now though. take me away now. i'm done waiting. i'm done dreaming that some day everything will be okay

Me: everything will be okay just not right now.

-- A Few Days Later --

I laid down on the couch and brought my legs in, unlocking the phone to see as there were no notifications from Maddy this time.

Me: i'm so sorry, love, about putting you through this mess. please don't be mad at me. if anything i'm proud of you for being strong.

No reply or read.

Me: are you okay? safe and sound?


Me: if you don't want to talk to me then please just read the messages.

Zero reaction once again so i finally built up the courage and wrote out my last text that gave the answer to her quietness.

Me: you let me go?


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