10 - drunk

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- Lauren -

The second sound of a ping from my phone finally had me knocked out of my sleep so i reached my hand over to the nightstand. 2 am.

Who in their right mind is up this late? My eyes adjusted to the bright phone screen and i finally focused on what i could see four messages now from an unknown number.

i ned a ride.
im fucked
ples come.

Dear lord. Is this seriously Maddy? Where have i gotten myself into too? Behind my best friends back which is also the poor things mother, i'm allowing her daughter to drink to the point she can't text properly..

I forced the blanket off me and reached over for my clothes, dressing somewhat warm before rushing downstairs and over to the car.

This location was about 15 minutes away with a car alone so i'm honestly thankful to receive these messages from Maddy.

Parking in the same place i did this evening, i pulled my phone back out yet the glimpse of someone stumbling out on the street caught my eye.

"Maddy?" I immediately approached, realizing it's actually her. "Oh! Lauren! I'm so sorry! I know it's late but-"

"Don't apologize." My arm interlocked in hers and i lead her forward, sitting her inside the passengers seat. "Are you okay? I thought you said it was a light party. If this is what you call light then i'm scared to know what's a huge one like." I pulled my eyes on her as i sat in myself.

"It was a light one though! Well, maybe i went a bit too overboard but can you please take me home? I couldn't call my parents otherwise i wouldn't be driven home but to a graveyard instead."

"I'm sure that's true so buckle in." I commented and grabbed my own seatbelt however could see as she couldn't even find hers. "Okay, silly. Just sit and don't do anything." I leaned over and grabbed it for her, locking it in.

"Thank you." Maddy reached her hand to take mine. "I have to drive, sweetheart." I rolled out a laugh, gently pulling it away and finally driving off.

"Lauren." The girls voice came out once again. "Yes?" I gave her a glance despite the turns i had to make to get out of this fancy neighborhood. "Am i good student? I have potential to be an artist?"

"Yes, Maddy. Till this day i still believe you can be one. I hate that you're still doubting it." I responded. "You remember the time you brought my notebook back from school?"

"Mhm." I hummed back, this time keeping a deep focus on the road as we had entered the city. "Remember the last sketch you asked about? I said it was.. i don't even fucking remember who but i lied about it being them." She kept mumbling out.

"Really? Who was it then?" I questioned, finally being able to look at her as the traffic light in the distance turned red.

"It was you. I love sketching you. You're very beautiful. Like really beautiful." I watched her eyes open to look back at me with a smile. "How do you look like that all the time? I wanna know."

"It's a secret, sweetheart. The one secret i haven't told anything yet." I smiled back, absolutely enjoying this state of hers at this point. "Well then tell me. I wanna be the first. It's just your hair, always perfectly wavy." I could see as she restricted herself from actually touching it and just gave it a glance.

"It's my natural hair, Maddy. I'm not even a fan of dressing up or using excessive makeup so this is just me, that's how i look almost every day of my life." I truthfully admitted.

"Beautiful," she whispered back, studying every single part of me, "very beautiful."

"You're so cute, i can't." I pulled my eyes off her with a smile, still continuing the drive that was about half way done by now.

"Are you married? Engaged?"

"No. Happily single, sweetheart." I responded.

"I love when you call me that. Do you do that to other students?" I felt as her deep gaze was still on me but i even questioned her words. "No. I don't actually think so. I guess it just adapted to me since i feel closer to you from us being neighbors."

"I heard that you and my mom are close now too." Maddy kept on going with the topics, having me released a laugh from how talkative she is.

"Yes we are. She's a nice lady." I said, giving her a glance and seeing as she's staring just as strongly as before.

"You're rich, right?"

"Sort of. But i'm definitely not selfish despite wealthy people being known for that."

"Then why our neighborhood? It's quite lame. You should be living in a mansion or a residence."

"I don't like that lifestyle and i needed some place here for the job so i chose something simple as your neighborhood. I actually have a beautiful and huge cabin just out the city." I explained, hearing her surprise.

"You own a cabin?! Can you take me to it one day? Oh my god! I've always dreamed of living in one! Just pure freedom and quietness around!"

"Sure, Maddy. Even if you won't remember this talk, i will take you there nonetheless." I confessed. "Lauren," i felt as her hand brushed against mine, grabbing a hold of it. "Yes?" My eyes gave her a glance, absolutely amazed about this new acting of hers whilst drunk. "Thank you." She whispered out.

"You're welcome." I answered without hesitation, bringing my eyes back forward but i could tell as she wasn't gonna tell my hand go this time.


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