41 - winter night

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- Lauren -

My feet dug into the inches of snow as i followed after Maddy along the sidewalk and i continued absorb how unbothered she was of the low visibility in any direction.

The fence that was just beside me and blocked the way to the ocean was my only lead of us even going straight.

"Maddy, maybe that's enough? I thought we were only gonna come out for the weather and not a walk through the city that we can't even see." I spoke out from behind and the girl didn't hesitate to stop and finally face me.

"Ms Hale, is scared of getting cold? Didn't know a grown woman can be such a pussy." Maddy confidently crossed her arms whilst saying.

"From when have you became so mean to me, Miss Maddy?" I questioned and was about to grab her in but she kneeled down instead, gathering a handful of snow.

"Since you made some dumb job a bigger priority than me." I heard her say before the soft snow was thrown right towards me and i moved my hands up to at least block my face.

"Maddy, stop making us argue again!" I yelled out however got down myself before thrusting a handful of the snow back to her.

"You did not!" My eyes examined her shocked expression as she had no time to react and wiped off her face. "Boohoo! I think someone's about to be a pussy themselves." I proudly responded, even released a laugh about it.

"Me?! A pussy?!" The sudden slam of her palms sent me stumbling back and i could observe as she used the chance to gather more snow. My body whipped around before any of it landed across my face, hearing Maddy's groan escape.

"This is not what i wanted when i expected us to come outside!" I yelled out and hesitatingly looked at her, thankfully seeing that she is just standing. "Revenge."

"Revenge for what? I haven't done anything. Maddy, would you quit it, please?" I slowly stepped over to her whilst speaking. "There are a few things i could still blame you for so it's not like you've cleared your name fully." She kept her strong attitude.

"Stop. Please." I slipped my hands on her cheeks, delivering gentle brushed from how red they have became same with the tip of her nose.

"I love you." Those words escaped mids her shivery breaths, "i love you to the point that i'm ready to be dragged through the worst if that's what it will take for us to stay together." Maddy kept going.

I allowed my lips to linger in front of hers, "i love you more than words could express," i whispered back and went in for a kiss that she practically melted into.

- - -
I stepped out the bathroom and immediately noticed as Maddy was already in bed so i quietly walked to her bedside, examining as her eyes are closed as well.

"Baby." I whispered out, the girls eyes immediately fluttering open. "You should take a warm shower too. You're shivering." I suggested but she showed no intention on getting up anymore.

"Then what? You'll freeze through the whole night? We aren't at our cabin anymore so i can't light a furnace to make it hotter here."

"I'll be fine. I'm too tired to shower anyways." I heard her say and i just gave in, climbing right under the blanket myself.

My body scooted closer to hers though, hand rubbing against her skin to try and warm her up in some way but Maddy only grabbed my hand, interlocking them together.

"There is another way to avoid being cold besides taking a warm shower." I spoke out right by her ear, seeing Maddy's face turning to look at me since i was cuddling her from the back. "What could you possibly come up with? I have no energy for anything so whatever it is, i don't wanna do it."

"I'll be proud to drain you out to the fullest then." I whispered back and slowly began sliding my hand down her stomach. "Don't." The girl immediately stopped me with pure annoyance across her face.


Canvas of Love | TxSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon