23 - in love

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- Maddy -

I took in one last breath of the fresh air that waved towards me from the lake, standing up to even memorize the place fully again.

I've always dreamed of this life. Freedom around from no living souls, pure art on every corner you look. But at this point it isn't just the fact that i get to experience being in a cabin. This one holds a bigger meaning to my heart combined with the fact that i'm here with Lauren.

"Never thought i'd be returning here, to be honest." I spoke out after closing the door behind myself, the woman panning her eyes towards me from standing in the kitchen.

"I missed you being here with me." She replied yet i noticed as she just shut my sketch book, setting it aside.

"Well. What are we gonna do today?" I asked and opened up the fridge, locating something to snack on which happened to be some grapes.

"Maddy, you don't just love me anymore, right?" Her question didn't really faze me, already well aware of the answer to that.

"You asked that as if you never knew i actually have feelings for you." I replied mids opening the container, taking a few grapes out before putting my full attention on her.

Lauren had already approached, turning my back towards the counter to lock me in place. She stared back so deeply that all this hurt she put me through from us distancing, faded in a split second.

"You're in love with me?"

"Always have been just hadn't admitted it to myself."

"No, Maddy," she pressed her body right on mine, cupping my face, "i want you to say it."

"What for? You're just making this look like you don't love me anymore and are trying to find a reason to force yourself to."

"Maddy!" The yell escaped her mouth right after however she took an exhale, obviously trying to calm herself down.

"I'm in love with you! So i wanna hear it from you too! I wanna know if i've actually fucked up to the fullest! That i've fallen in love with someone that doesn't think there's a possibility for us to have a future together."

Her words cut so deep into me that i couldn't even push a single word out. But it wasn't the type of cutting where i want to scream or cry in pain, i more so wanted her to just kiss me and tell me that first sentence over and over again.

"Lauren, you're just trying to clear your name." I shrugged the emotions, ready to brush away however she pressed herself on me even tighter, clearly in no desire for me to do that.

"I'm sorry! Yes! This distancing was my idea but you know it yourself that we need it! Look at us now. Sure, not happy because we can't see each other whenever we want but it's only healthy to not always be together."

"Maddy," she rested her forehead right on mine, "just know that i want this to be my future. You and me. You'll graduate, start college and i'll be right by your side. Please tell me you want that too. Please, Maddy."

"I do. Why are doubting it, Lauren?" I slipped my hand on her cheek, lingering my lips even closer to hers. "You love me? You really do?" She kept going and i released a smile about it by now.

"I'm in love with you. I don't just love you. Please remember that and stop worrying." I confessed, Lauren returning a soft smile back. "Now listen, the limits are too strict and i honestly can't even keep up to them myself so how about i allowed them to dim down? But, sweetheart, we can't completely get rid of them. Will you at least understand that? Won't be mad?"

"I won't be. At this point i've realized how good of a decision that is. I don't want you to end up in a ditch from losing your job because of me either." I rolled out a laugh, drifting off the intense emotions of the moment to take a grape.

"Uh-uh." The woman hummed out immediately, even shaking her head as no as i stopped on actually eating it from sensing that that's what she's referring to.

She grabbed it out of my fingers and set a half of it between her teeth. "But what about the rule?" I crossed my arms with confidence, purposely acknowledging it however she practically yanked my face closer, having me bite the other half before our lips met.


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