45 - influenced mind

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- Maddy -
-- A Few Days Later --

I sat my bag down as soon as i stepped into the cabin, my feet leading me straight to the bathroom for a warm shower i was dying to have from the exhaustion i already was feeling.

My clothes came off and i didn't even let the water heat up beforehand as i stood under the shower head, tensing my body up to deal with the coldness it gave at first.

I kept my eyes closed though, by now even forgetting where i was as the overwhelmed mind formed some sort of image instead of a black vision.

I'm going through it all again. Like a year ago. Lauren is gone. I'm here - alone. How many fucking times can the same thing break your heart? At this point there is only one answer - as long as you love it.

This fact made me want to run away. To escape the reality of what was happening but i couldn't. Lauren has a simple explanation of why she's gone right now but this time i couldn't help to feel the worst out of all of them from how she left.

Never had she not gave me a heads up before going on another business trip, never had she made an appearance only days later. This whole situation breaks me more from how she said she won't be coming back any times soon after already committing the thing she knows makes me hate her.

The sudden weakness that traveled through my veins had every thought i wanted to go over disappear and i pulled my eyes back open.

Obvious steam filled my surroundings, almost like i was in a ball of smoke which only could have happened because of one thing.

I got the chance to still see the handle and it was practically turned to the hottest setting yet before i could get myself locked back in the calm state, the heat got to me beforehand.

My palm slammed on the handle and i managed to cut the water off but my legs grew weaker right after, dropping right down on the soaked floor with such force.

"Fuck!" The combination of pain across my whole body got to my head, the dizziness barely making me reach to open the shower door but as soon as i got it, relief waved over from the coldness the outside held.

I pressed my back against the wall, evening out my breaths as best as i could yet mids it all, i heard as my phone began ringing just from the pile of clothes on the ground.

Lauren. She hadn't called since informing me even being away because of work. My finger declined the call without a second thought though but i watched as a new caller id popped up - my colleague, honestly the only true friend i've got at this point.

"It's 11 pm, Nora. Why are you calling so late?" I sat the phone on the tiles with it being on the speaker, allowing myself to settle down from what i just put myself through.

"Exactly. 11 pm. Us. Club. Tonight. You need to let loose after what you've been going through."

"Come on! I already only get two days off and you're gonna make me feel like further shit mids them?"

"Like shit?! No! Clubbing is defined as fun, a good distraction so get your ass dressed, i'm coming to get you in 10 minutes."

- - -
"Okay, come on, feet over the door step." I heard Nora say and i looked down, carefully doing just that before they both dragged me inside the cabin.

My body dropped right on the bed and i was about to tug the blanket over me but Nora yanked me closer to hers.

"At least get your shoes off, Mads." She spoke out with a light laugh and i watched her untie them, taking both off for me.

"How long had you two been there?"

"Was coming close to an hour."

"An hour?! She got so waisted in that small of a time?" I heard Ryan exclaim.

"What did i honestly expect.. she's.." Nora's voice fainted and i looked around the bedroom to see as they both had left.

I finally pulled the blanket over me and tucked my legs in, the deep loneliness beginning to drown me more despite how sick i felt from the alcohol intake.

My head was pulsating. Stomach aching. Every single thing that would bring me to throwing up was happening but i only closed my eyes.

I clasped my hands tightly on either shoulders, trying to imagine how it'd be like to have someone comfort me. Not just because i was drunk or sick, because i was sad and wanted nothing but to feel loved.

The sudden bang of a door opening had my head whip towards the direction and my eyes widened to the sight of Lauren standing there.

Her forehead was dripping blood, light colored hoodie catching every drop and i watched as she rushed over to me.

"Maddy," her arms slipped underneath me and i was forced up to give into the hug she wanted. "What happened to you?" I asked still in disbelief.

"Are you okay? You're fine, right?" Her face came in front of mine as she examined every part of me but all i could think about was the bruise across her forehead.

"I'm okay. But you? What is-" My words were cut short from her pulling me in for a kiss that i swear i have missed more than anything.

I felt her body climb under the blanket and right next to me before our lips finally parted. I laid my head right on her chest and shut my eyes, feeling such peace flood me from having exactly what i wanted just a minute ago.

"But what hap-" I had pulled my eyes back open but as soon as i did, my head sank down. I touched over the surface i was lying on - pillow.

I shot my head right up but there was no sight of Lauren. The bedroom door wasn't even opened like it should have been from seeing it thrust open just before.


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