12 - lauren's realization

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- Lauren -

I stirred the spatula in the pan, trying to keep my thoughts out of the way and just focus on the vegetables that were cooking but the more i tried, the harder it got.

This girl. What can an 18 year old student have so much of that i just want to spend more and more time with to share our similar interests?

She's like a magnet. Even in the classroom. There's so many faces i sweep my gaze over but she's still the only one that captures my attention and the interesting part is that she seems to be in the same situation.

The sudden burning sensation on my wrist had my eyes look down and i practically threw my hand back as soon as i realized that my skin had become in contact with the pan.

"For the love of god!" I discarded the need to put it under cold water from hearing the doorbell ring so i switched the stove off, laying a lid over the food.

"Hi." My smile didn't hesitate to form as soon as i opened the door to the sight of Maddy. "Hey." She was as polite as possible yet i opened the door further, welcoming her inside.

"Now this dinner better be good because i purposely starved myself ever since lunch just so i could try your cooking." The girl confessed whilst taking the shoes off.

"I can't really tell how i should feel about that now." My arms crossed, absorbing her stand back up. "You should feel honored." The smile spread on her face and i decided to not waist any more time, walking back to the kitchen.

"Chicken, vegetables, wine. Like the sound of that?" I gave her a glance over my shoulder while loading one plate. "Uhh! Absolutely perfect! Otherwise all i eat are potatoes that most of time are also cold since i come back from school quite late."

"Well then i'm glad to fulfill your hunger this evening." I sat the plates on the counter and took a seat next to her. "Wait. But where's the.. wine?" Maddy lifted up her empty glass.

"Oh! I forgot to mention. The wine is for me. You're getting orange juice." I grabbed the juice bottle to hand it over to her, taking the other bottle that was actually white wine to fill my glass up.

"You're kidding, right?" I heard as her tone held pure disappointment.

"No? You think i'm gonna allow you to drink alcohol behind your mother's back?" I raised my eyebrows, showcasing a surprised expression. "Or maybe you want to relive the moments of yesterday?"

"You know what," i watched her unscrew the bottle, "orange juice will do." Maddy filled the glass full and i couldn't hold back from releasing a quiet laugh. "What's so funny? As if i can't even have a sip. But whatever! Okay! I'll forgive you."

"I did want to ask you if you even remember what happened last time. You're quite talkative when drunk." I commented before digging into the food.

"Some events are still lingering in my memory. But actually, thanks for mentioning! Didn't you.. ehm, you said you have a cabin? Right?" She pulled her attention on me, becoming fully intrigued into the conversation.

"Yeah. I do. Just out the city. It is quite sad as i'm not living in it anymore but i also can't be waking up earlier as an hour and a half every morning just so i can make it on time to work." I explained.

"You don't live there but you still own it?" Maddy asked and i took a pause, examining her more throughly to understand if she's actually interested to speak about this.

"No well, if you have some bad memories about the place then we can swap the topic. I was just very curious because i won't even hide it, a life in a cabin, in the middle of nowhere, it sounds like a dream that i still have to wait for a few years to reach."

"No, Maddy. There are no bad memories. I'm just surprised that you're basically.. i don't know, we're quite similar. Art, freedom, creativity. Never have i felt so connected to someone. I'm glad i had moved here and met you." I spoke my thoughts out loud, her gaze locking on me soon after.

"I can say the same thing about you." Maddy's voice was low, clearly was afraid to admit those words. But as the eye contact held, i felt the sudden realization that i had been unknowingly forcing a specific feeling away.

I felt connected but not for the sake of us being alike. It was more so the undeniable attraction towards her. She was a simple girl and i was in the position of authority, tasked with shaping young minds and yet, here i was, feeling drawn to one of my own students in a way i never have.

Now that i think of it more. It wasn't just the talent for art that drew me to her. It was her kind heart, her intelligence and her passion for life. Such a perfect description of someone that meets my interests.

My mind paused from feeling her hand caressed mine so i took a glance down, her thumb brushing right against the burnt spot on my wrist.

"Are you okay?" The speck of nervousness was clear in her voice but whether it was from noticing the bruise or the eye contact we just held, i'm unsure as i couldn't compose myself back together just yet.

"Don't worry. Will heal." I responded however Maddy lifted my hand up, playfully brushing our fingers together.

My lips in instinct spread a smile to the sight and i could catch a glimpse of the girl doing the same thing. "Every weekend i go and check up on the cabin. You know, to make sure it's still standing and i can tell you wouldn't mind experiencing on seeing one. Wanna come along on Saturday or Sunday?"

"Really? You'd take me?" Her eyes darted back up, pure softness across them to just the thought of that. "I can. If you won't be able to convince your mom then i can step in."

"Oh that's unnecessary. She always approves of me going on these small trips. My aunt and i already do it frequently so."

"That's nice. The first step already out of the way then. Now what day is it today? Uhh.. Wednesday, right! So what weekend day is the most ideal? What time too?" I kept the conversation going but fully acknowledging as she's slowly intertwining our hands together by now.

"I honestly don't care. What's most ideal for you, i'll happily adapt to it." She released a smile after her words. "Let's just go on Saturday then? 12 pm. I'll be outside by the car, waiting." I suggested. "Sure. God! Going in that car again. There's no way i'll be able to focus anymore until that day now. This is too exciting!"

"You're so cute. The most smallest things bring such joy to your life." I threw the comment out, seeing as Maddy eased out a little. "You bring joy to my life. Nothing was wrong with the life i had before but this is way more exciting now that i got to know you."

"I like how this whole thing has turned out between us too." I pressured up the hand holding, showcasing my own gratefulness. "But well, i don't want the food to get cold, this is actually good so i think i might nudge my mom to up her own cooking skills." Her eyes drifted off me and on the plate so i gently pulled my hand away, deciding to dig back into the meal myself.


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