48 - free to go

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- Lauren -
-- The Next Day --

My eyes soon enough left the tv screen from the sudden wave of emotions that flooded me and i laid right down on the couch, clenching my legs in for a more comforting position.

I was dying. Mentally. The more i thought about it, the more it took advantage of killing me further.

It's Monday. The weekend has passed and i'm not back like i promised her. Every nerve in me was telling me to just run but then i'll be forced to say goodbye to ever even thinking i had grew up with a family.

"Darling." A voice brought my eyes towards the entrance of the living room and i watched as my mom used her walking stick to approach the couch.

"You didn't need to get out of bed, mother! If you wanted something then you should have just called." I exclaimed and rushed right over to help her.

"I'm not on a death bed just yet besides this dumb stick was only signed for me just so i acknowledge that i'm not allowed to take sudden movements." I heard her explain before taking a seat on the couch as i did the same next to her.

"Lucy is coming back tonight."

"Is she? Why? I thought she was busy." I questioned and turned the volume for the tv down.

"Because i'll need someone to look after me just in case something happens and i won't have my phone by my side."

"What am i here for then? She can do whatever the hell she wants, keep showcasing her carelessness, now you at least know her true side."

"I know, darling. My strict parenting has made her the way she is but you're not any better but i love you both the same, there's no doubt about it."

"What has gone into you? You and finally acknowledging that you've been too mean to me?" I asked with light confusion.

"I guess i've- well it's not just a guess, at this point i know how i won't be able to change your opinion on life and i'm slowly breathing my last breaths so i'm only making my last years more difficult by controlling something i won't be able to."

"What is this about?" I immediately questioned.

"You and this girl. What was her name again?"

My body tensed up from having to build courage to say and think of her name again, "Maddy."

"Right. Seems like a sweet and nice name. From what i have researched about her too, she is one of the most innocent girls i've seen you with."

"Mom, what?! You asked people to do a background check on her?!"

"Darling, i'm only being smart. People nowadays only seek for money so i had a reason to but i think i've came to a conclusion. I'm honestly surprised about knowing how much you must mean to her, Maddy has gone through quite the youth and i guess, you being there for her has helped her more than anything."

"I'm sorry to be mean to you but i'm never gonna be in the mindset of sharing anything about her to you. Torture me, lock me up if you want as a way to keep me away from her but in no way will i let her go just because you hate how young she is."

"Lauren, i said that i have came to a conclusion. Listen to-"

"What conclusion?! You'll transfer me to a country across the world so you're certain that me and her don't meet ever again?! Honestly, you listen! I'm done! You said Lucy is coming here tonight so i'm booking a flight and going back to my girlfriend no matter how much you want it or not!"

"Lauren, your sister is coming here to stay forever!" My mom yelled out. "She is replacing your role of having someone to look after me just in case!"

"Replace me? So what now? What have you came up with to make my life more-"

"For the love of god! Book that flight and head back to Maddy!" Hannah abruptly yelled out again and it's like that was my queue to calmness.

"I might a mother that only thinks about herself, wants things to go her way and not care about anything else but god, Lauren! These weeks of you being here has opened my eyes so much. You're literally in love with her despite the distance i put you two through." I heard her confess before her body scooted closer, taking my hand in hers.

"Nothing like this even existed when you were with Olivia. Yes! Sorry i'm bring her up! I know how much you grieved over her death but i'm only trying to make my point clear."

"So? You're about to tell me that one day you thought about all of this and have decided to let me be after already what you put me and Maddy through?" I added in, feeling the mix of emotions.

"I only want one thing from you, darling." Hannah discarded every word of mine and tightened my hand in hers, "i want you to be happy and make that girl feel the same. Love is love. You fall in love with your heart, not mind."

"Never thought you were capable of thinking this way." I commented but hesitated to make my inner smile visible just yet.

"Me too, Lauren. I guess i'm proud of myself but this isn't about me right now." She said and i observed her take the laptop out from under the coffee table, setting it on top.

"Another thing though," she let it turn on before giving a glance back to me, "i want you to introduce me to her. She'll probably hate me after finding out your time away was because of me but we're all gonna be a family now so i hope she'll understand that."

"Mom, of course, i will introduce her! If you're actually being serious then there's no doubt i'll fulfill your desire!" I finally let my excitement escape.

"Darling, i'm old already so i want to be buried with a calm mind from knowing that my daughters are happy in life."

"Those words don't make me smile, you know that? You joke about your condition too much."

"God! At most let me make light of the situation! Now book a flight before i actually start crying."


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