40 - exaggerating?

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- Maddy -
-- A Few Days Later --

I slammed the hotels door behind me and didn't hesitate to toss the coat aside before walking out to the balcony.

The cold air traveled right through my thick hoodie and my arms in instinct crossed to try and bear with the low temperature.

I scanned out the view over the city though, acknowledging the snowstorm combined with the wind actually swaying the high floor i was on but never have i had fear of heights.

"Maddy! Are you inside?!" I already could make out whose voice came from the door yet i didn't bother to turn around. "Get back in here! Do you wanna be knocked off the railing from this weather?!" Lauren's tight grab on my arm had my body whip to face her.

"I told you to get back to your little friend group! Why did you even come after me?!"

"Inside. Now!" She kept her intention clear, ignoring every word of mine. "Get lost and leave me the fuck alone." I responded, the woman's face losing the seriousness in the snap of a finger yet i watched as she walked back inside right after.

My body turned to face the view again, by now pulling the hood on from feeling my skin practically sting from the intense storm that kept attacking my hands and face.

This place brought peace over me despite the amount of anger i had in me right now. All it took is for Lauren to get comfortable on thinking that the both of us are fine again for her to repeat the things that even made our relationship unsteady.

"Won't come inside, will you?" I heard the question from behind me but i gave no reaction towards it. "Alright then," the sound of the sliding door closed, slight fiddling of what i could make out being a coat was placed right over my shoulders.

"Wanna get hypothermia? Frostbite? We'll get it together then. Only way to make this even." She explained and turned me around, zipping the coat closed, which now i could see was hers from being larger.

"Okay. I'm all warmed up now so you can go back." I held my obvious attitude which this time had her lose it completely as my body was yanked against hers.

"Did it really look like i knew my colleagues are gonna be at the bowling alley when we arrived?!"

"For the love of god! That's not even what i'm on about! You had every chance to cut the conversations off and finally listen to me of wanting to go but guess what, you did nothing but continue the opposite!"

"Maddy, i couldn't just tell them that my girlfriend is jealous, clingy and despise my job and the people that i work with as the reason to finally excuse myself!"

"See? Did you even just hear yourself? You're ashamed of me." The anger was overpowering by pure pain, studying her so hard to understand if she even cares about me or the fact that i embarrassed her in front of her friends.

"Baby," her hands cupped my face, holding with the most heartbroken eyes, "you didn't just say that to me. There's no way you think i'm ashamed of being with you. You're not serious. You're not, right?"

"You said it yourself! You made that cleared then anything!" I responded but the woman only tightened the distance between us. "I love you," she rested her forehead right on mine, "you're my girl. My only source of happiness and joy in this life. Never ever do i want you to think that i'm embarrassed of being with you around others."

"Lauren," i immediately began, taking in a shaky breath from how cold i was actually getting by now, "you only know how to love me with words but not actions." The confession rolled off my tongue.

"For the love of god! What do you want me to do?!" The spike of loudness was obvious in her voice. "I brought you here, to Switzerland, a place you chose as the time of us away and together. I have treated you to restaurants, activities, even today i arranged bowling so what is that you want? What in your right mind has you think that i'm only showcasing my love through words?"

"Okay," my hand went in to grabs hers, dragging her inside but right over to the front door, "i'm over exaggerating a bit. I've realized that now but from now on i'll be the one that decides what we do." I explained and took the coat off, hanging it right back to her to put mine on instead.

"What now then? At this point i'm scared to do anything from how easily you'll blame me for not loving you the way you want it."

"Shh," my finger pressed on her lips and i pulled her against me, "i'm sorry but right now put your coat on because we are going outside. If you want me to stop exaggerating so much then do what i say."

"Maddy, you want us to go outside? You didn't have enough of this weather from the balcony?" She questioned but nonetheless put warmed clothes on.

"Scared of a small snowstorm? You were in this mindset back then when i dragged you out in the rain but remember how the night turned out? How happy we were?" I said, seeing as this memory actually triggered something in her.

"Let's go." My hand was grabbed, Lauren taking action of leading me to the elevator and down.


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