1: The Diary Project

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Thursday 8th December

It's official. The long awaited surprise is here. And what is it? Oh yeah, a JOURNAL.

Now you're probably wondering what the hell I'm going on about (not that you wonder or anything, because you're a journal {and now I apparently talk to journals [not really of course, I guess I'm just writing to the future me]})

...and now I'm spilling all of my thoughts onto paper...how embarrassing for you to see my confusing mind at work (but once again we return to the fact that I'm talking to a journal...again!)

How about I start again?

Okay so... This work in progress was the main feature of conversations for a good few months. There were even posters goddamnit, real POSTERS! And that's saying something because it's not like Vice Principle Nero ever truly put any effort into anything he does (violin playing included).

He was pretty hyped for this little surprise. Every assembly he talked about how excited he was, every teacher talked about it in class, heck, every STUDENT was talking about the big reveal. And now it was here, we were all wishing it had never happened at all.

When it was announced last week, Vice Principle Nero had said, and I quote "These diaries are here to keep your social life separate from your school life."

Yeah...that's not gonna happen.

You see, those quiet girls who sit at the back of class and don't talk to anybody will probably take this whole concept WAY too seriously and write all their feelings and crushes and all that jazz. Then mean girls (and mean boys and shy girls and shy boys and bloody everybody) will be trying to see everyone else's diaries so they can spill their secrets et cetera. You see, this won't "Keep our social life separate from our school life", this'll bring social drama into school even more than it does already. This'll encourage bullying or something...I don't know, my thoughts are kind of worthless in this day and age.


I really don't want to do this. But since it's been a week or so since we were given these damn journals I thought I might as well out it to some sort of use...even if that consists of complaining about every aspect of this project.

Project: that's a word that worried me last Wednesday and still worries me now.

This was announced as "The Diary Project", and project makes me think of school. Surely this thing can't be counted as homework, right? Or extra credit? Nahhh. It wouldn't make sense to set something that they knew some people would pour their hearts out onto, just to collect it in for homework.

Now this is boring...and I don't know what else to write. What am I even supposed to write in here? Meh I'll figure it out someday.

~Isadora Quagmire

(I thought I'd sign it..I don't know why)

So I published this on wattpad a few months ago but then I went through and unpublished a whole bunch of stuff. But yeah I've decided to keep writing this so I thought I would republish.

Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter...


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