19: The Competition Project

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Wednesday 7th June

I know I don't usually write two days in a row but Marlene's already done something stupid and I felt like I had to.

I went into the library today to find Klaus looking like a ghost. He was white as a sheet and staring at his book like his life depended on it. When I asked him what was going on, he informed me that Marlene had tried to kiss him?! What the hell? You can't just try and kiss someone outright like that.

He managed to swerve her by asking her to get him a glass of water, so when I got there he was just waiting nervously for her to get back. Klaus is too nice to outright reject her so he gets himself stuck in predicaments like this. He asked me to sit with him so I did and he relaxed and we chatted for a bit. But then Marlene walked in.

As soon as she spotted me she froze and crushed the paper cup in her hand, which meant that the water went all over the floor. Then she dropped the cup itself and stormed out.

So yeah. I don't think she was very happy. But I'm sorry, you can't just attempt to kiss someone if you don't know if they want to or not. What happened to consent??

Anyway, Klaus seemed pretty surprised that my presence deterred Marlene that much. I'm guessing he'll probably want me around as his personal bodyguard for a few days, which I don't mind. Anything to keep Marlene's madness at bay.

But I've realised now that to Marlene, it probably looks like I've agreed to her little competition proposal, which wasn't my intention. But I guess her thinking I'm interested in pursuing Klaus might make her calm down a bit? Probably not, considering it's Marlene.

We'll see I guess.

- Isadora

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