29: The End Project

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Klaus got further and further away and so did my hope. What if he never spoke to me again? What if he never even dared to look my way again? What if Violet and Duncan believed it and I lost them as well? Everything good in my life could walk away from me all because of this big misunderstanding, and I didn't blame them. Why would anyone stick by someone who said such horrible things? Only, I wasn't the one who had said them. All I had to do was convince them of my innocence and maybe, just maybe, things could go back to how they were before all of this drama. 

I froze as the last few stragglers made it to their class and the hallway became empty enough for me to scan. Klaus was nowhere to be seen. My shoulders slumped and I tried my best to not completely freak out. He had to be here somewhere. That was when I heard the voice.


I spun around to see Carmelita spinning a tangerine curl around her finger, her signature smirk lingering on her face.

"You can say that again," added Marlene.

I didn't know what to say or do. I had been so angry but now they were stood in front of me I didn't know how to react. I hated them, of course I did. But did I hate them enough to do anything about it? My body moved of its own accord and I took a tentative step forward. The two girls watched me carefully, a laugh laying in wait on both of their lips. I was one action away from being the biggest coward in school... or from teaching the two of them a lesson. 

Suddenly something clicked and I made that decision. I stormed forward and pushed Carmelita. Hard. She fell backwards like a rag doll and I felt sick. I thought that it would make me feel better if it seemed like I had the upper hand over her. I was angry, upset, and I hated the two of them: of course I had felt like I could take a swing at them on multiple occasions. But as soon as my hands had met her shoulders, it felt like I had been poisoned. My hands seemed to burn and the guilt bubbled in my stomach. I had wanted to hurt her so badly but now I'd actually acted on that urge and it felt awful. I stared at my hands in disbelief, as if they weren't my own, before Carmelita brought the attention back to her. By laughing. She was laughing.

"Pathetic!" She said again, forcing it out between her giggles. 

I clenched my fists but I knew it would hurt me more than her if I had to use them so I breathed and then I turned and walked away. Why was I wasting my time on these two idiots when Klaus was sat somewhere distraught and hating me?  

I thought I'd got off lightly from the situation, so when I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt I wasn't surprised. I whirled around and grabbed Carmelita's arm, yanking it off of me.

"How dare you turn your back on us!" She hissed, "We weren't done talking."

"What have I ever done to you?!" I exploded. I couldn't help it. "Honestly, Carmelita. What have I done to make you hate me?"

She shared a look with Marlene and they shared a short laugh together before the smug smile fell from Carmelita's face and she deadpanned me instead.

"You're a disgusting little cakesniffing orphan," She spat, getting closer to me with every word.

"How is that my fault?" 

Carmelita's smirk was back. "Your poor parents, having to put up with you and your idiot brother. I wouldn't be surprised if they paid someone to burn down their house because they couldn't stand living with you." When I stayed silent she continued. "Imagine being so unwanted that your own parents would rather die than have to put up with you."

"Shut up Carmelita." The voice came out of nowhere and all of our heads snapped to the side to see Violet storming towards us. She looked furious and for a second I thought she was going to fight Carmelita, but instead she grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the situation. As soon as we were outside she pulled me into a hug and whispered, "Don't cry, they're not worth it."

I hadn't even realized I was crying but when I pulled away from Violet I saw the wet patch I had made on her shoulder and I quickly tried to wipe the evidence from my eyes. She was right. What was the point of wasting tears on someone who couldn't care less about you?

Suddenly I remembered the situation at hand and I rushed into an explanation about the diary entries and that they weren't mine before she grabbed me by the shoulders and shushed me.

"As if I would believe a plan as paper thin as one created by Carmelita Spats. Of course you couldn't have written those entries, it wasn't your handwriting. Oh and they spelled your name wrong when they signed it off. Anyone with a brain could tell it was a set up: hence why the whole school believed it."

I smiled at her attempt to make me laugh and we hugged again. I was stupid to think that Violet wouldn't stick by me.

"What about Klaus?" I asked quietly.

Violet shook her head slightly. "My brother is smart. Incredibly smart. But he can be so dumb at the same time. Talk to him and I guarantee he'll realize his mistake in the first thirty seconds of the conversation."

I nodded, feeling a hundred times better after her advice. Maybe everything wasn't as bad as I'd initially thought. Maybe not everything was lost. I hugged Violet one last time and she gave me a tissue before I left to search for Klaus again. 

I went to the first place that came to mind: the library. Where else would Klaus go when he's upset than the library? It made so much sense that I almost doubted myself until I pushed through the door and saw him sitting there. What was surprising though, was the fact that my brother was sat next to him. I froze, unsure what to do now I was there. I had been planning what to say in my head the entire walk  but now I was there, words escaped me. I seemed to have a habit of that.

Duncan noticed me and smiled before beckoning me over. I frowned, confused, but trusted him and walked over. It was only when I was a couple of paces away that I noticed the things on the table: an open book and a stray piece of paper. Then the realisation hit me and I lunged to grab the book.

"What the hell Duncan?" I exclaimed, holding the book close to my chest, "Where did you even get this?"

I thought this day couldn't get any worse but, up until a few seconds ago, my brother and my crush had been pouring over my diary together. 

"Relax," he said, as if that was a reasonable request for me right now, "I'm just using it as a reference."

"A reference for what, my embarrassing life?!"

"A reference for your handwriting. To show this idiot- no offence- that this is faked," he said, holding up the piece of paper which I realised was one of the diary entries that had been stuck up on the walls. "Now if you'll excuse me," he continued, "I'm sure you guys have a lot to talk about."

At that he took his leave. I awkwardly stood for a second, not sure how to tackle the situation. If they had my diary that meant that both of them had seen everything I'd written, including my confession. How are you meant to start that sort of conversation? I thought the best thing would be for me to sit down and wait for him to say something but as I came around the table, Klaus leapt up and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so so sorry I doubted you, Iz." 

I was shocked but I hugged him back and we stood like that for a few seconds before taking our seats. I chucked my diary down on the table, feeling my irritation for The Diary Project come back in a flash. But when I glanced to my side and saw Klaus' expression I realised maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all. I mean, would've I had the confidence to tell Klaus my true feelings without it? I considered the thought for a moment and then I did what Duncan had advised and began to talk. And even though he already knew the ins and outs of the situation from reading my diary, I told him everything, from the beginning. And he did the same.

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