10: The Deja Vu Project

690 24 18

Tuesday 28th March

Here we go again. Carmelita has exposed another diary. This is the second one in what, a month? That girl just never stops meddling. That is, if she even had to meddle. For some reason the majority of the Prufrock student body trusted Carmelita, so it wouldn't surprise me if the victim of this attack just handed her diary over to her on a silver platter.

From what Duncan told me though, it sounds like Carmelita promised the girl to set her up with her crush if she revealed who it was, but that's just one of many rumors going around. Some of the others I've heard are that the girl wanted attention so she revealed it herself (which doesn't make sense to me considering she was crying today) and some other people are saying that she wanted her crush to feel bad for her and so, again, she apparently exposed herself.

For me, though, I'm sticking with what Duncan said. It makes the most sense that Carmelita would make a fake promise with the girl and then throw it back in her face. That's just Carmelita's style.

To make matters worse, it was revealed that the girl had a crush on a boy called Bobby. I wouldn't go as far as to say that Bobby was Carmelita's boyfriend, but I can't really think of any other way to describe him. She's the ringleader and he's second in command. If it came out that they weren't dating, I would be very surprised. Then again, I've never witnessed them acting lovey-dovey or anything although I'm not sure Carmelita has it in her to be affectionate.

Anyway, when we were sat having lunch, Carmelita's latest victim came into the room and made a beeline straight for our table. It took me by surprise considering no one ever came except if it was Carmelita coming over to make fun of us for this, that or the other. But this girl came over, sniffling and blowing her nose, and asked to sit with us. And Klaus being the nice guy he is, he hugged her. The girl ended up sitting next to him and Klaus split his lunch since the girl hadn't bothered to get anything herself.

The whole situation was stupid. She never took an interest in us and then suddenly Carmelita turned on her and she wanted to be our friend. Well, it seemed more like she just wanted to get close to Klaus because she barely spoke to anyone else but him.

If I'm honest, it made my blood boil. But I'm not jealous, there's nothing to be jealous about. It's just what I mentioned before: the whole thing was stupid.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

(Do I really need to sign off with my name? You know it's me)

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