17: The Embarassment Project

453 17 5

Friday 2nd June

This past week has been... interesting. Marlene's gone from 0 to 100 in terms of her feelings towards Klaus and she hasn't been afraid to show that. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire school knew about her crush on him.

She kept asking me for advice and what she called "an insiders point of view" about Klaus, and after I didn't give her any information (I couldn't. I don't have the knowledge she wants) she's seemingly gone insane.

She's hiked her skirt right up, because apparently it's attractive to flash your fluorescent underwear every time you go upstairs, and I keep catching her pinching her cheeks obsessively. When I asked her about it, she said it was to make it look like she was blushing. A "natural blush" she called it. Personally, I think it looks like she's been slapped across the face but I haven't figured out a way to tell her that without it sounding mean.

And of course she's been all over Klaus, which is just plain annoying. We'll be trying to have a nice, civil lunch and she'll be giggling and touching his hair and of course her skirt gets even shorter when she sits down. It's irritating and I know I'm not the only one to think that. I've caught both Duncan and Violet looking confused or weirded out by her behaviour. And obviously Klaus is even more uncomfortable. I'm surprised he hasn't said anything about it yet, but I guess he's too polite to. Still, he shouldn't have to deal with that kind of crap.

And he can't even escape to the library because Marlene's started going there too. She doesn't even like books! The entire time she's there she just interrupts Klaus when he's trying to read, and yesterday she started this thing where she drops a pencil or a book or a ruler or any other object she happens to have, near Klaus and then suggestively picks it up. I tried to stop her but she wouldn't let me speak to her and just said she was busy. Busy being a nuisance!

I just don't really know what to do in this situation. On one hand, should I be supporting Marlene? We're friends and I encouraged her to go for Klaus but, on the other hand, I need to consider everyone's wellbeing. Obviously Klaus isn't that happy with how Marlene is acting. And is it right that Marlene is acting so out of character over a boy? Should I really have encouraged this?


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