13: The Apology Project

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Saturday 8th April

This morning I finally bit the bullet and went to talk to Marlene. It was raining and I couldn't find my coat so I got soaked as I walked to her dormitory building. I half expected her to close the door in my face but she actually seemed really cheery.

The first thing I noticed, other than her mood, was the fact that there was still spaghetti in her hair, courtesy of Carmelita Spats. The spaghetti at Prufrock is surprisingly thick and sticky so I shouldn't have been shocked by the fact it hadn't all washed out first time.

So long story short, she invited me in and I apologised for what I said about her and Klaus and she said something like "don't apologise, I'm glad you let me down easy."

Let her down easy?! I had been so brutal to her and I hadn't even considered her feelings at the time but she obviously took it as me trying to be nice to her.

Anyway, when I expressed my confusion she apologised about trying to date Klaus when he was already taken, which confused me even more until she revealed that she thought him and I were dating?!

Obviously I told her we weren't but it made me wonder if other people assumed that. Not that I think either of us had given anyone a reason to assume that...I just wondered if it had ever crossed anyone's minds. Not that I think we should date, after all, I doubt he would want someone like me. Or anyone right now for that matter. He probably isn't even interested in anything like that at the moment.

ANYWAY, I changed the subject by apologising for not stopping Carmelita from tipping the spaghetti over her head, and she didn't even seem annoyed about that either. I almost wish she was. I feel like if she shouted at me and told me how disappointed she was with me then at least I would get what I deserved.

But instead she just asked me to help her wash the rest of the spaghetti out and help her untangle her hair, which I was more than happy to do.

So we just went into the bathroom and she leant over the bath and I washed her hair out for her, which took a while considering the sticky tomato sauce that Prufrock loves to cook with.

But it was weirdly nice; she was weirdly nice towards me. And so the two of us spent the whole morning just chatting about different things and getting to know each other properly.

Oh and I made sure to tell her to come back to our table. At least that way if Carmelita decided to have a bit of a round 2 I could redeem myself by defending Marlene and possibly stopping her from having another plate of spaghetti on her head.

So things feel a lot better now. I'm so glad I apologised.


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