6: The Friendship Project

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Thursday 5th January

A couple days ago, Carmelita did something awful. The new kids, who I now know are called the Baudelaires, were minding their own business in the cafeteria when Carmelita decided to bust out her dreadful "Cakesniffing orphans in the orphan shack" chant.

The last time she did that was when Duncan and I were in that shack, so her picking on them and embarrassing them in front of everyone was a feeling I knew too well. That's why Duncan stepped in and told the Baudelaires they could sit with us.

They're extremely nice people, which is something I thought I'd never say about Prufrock students, and their infant sister is adorable.

Sitting down with the Baudelaires made Duncan and I realise that they had been in our classes for the last week or so. I can't believe we were that blind as to miss them. But it was nice to know that we had a friend in our class now.

And it was also nice to have more people to share my couplets with.
They seemed to enjoy my most recent favourite:

I'd rather eat a bowl of vampire bats,
Than spend an hour with Carmelita Spats.

I also found out that Violet was into inventing things which is honestly really cool. Hopefully she might let me help her make something.
And I found out that Klaus has extensive knowledge about a whole range of things because of all the books he's read, which is equally impressive. Sunny is apparently very good at biting things, which is why I hope to never get on her bad side.
All in all they're a very interesting trio and I hope we can all become closer

It's always good to have an ally,
Especially when things go awry.

- Isadora Quagmire

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