5: The New Years Project

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Saturday 31st December

In the few days that the new kids have been here, I would say they've settled in fairly well. As far as I know, they've mostly just been keeping to themselves, not causing trouble, just going with the flow. I mean, they've had their fair share of Carmelita tap dancing and sneering at them in the halls, but who hasn't?

Duncan told me their names were Violet, Klaus and Sunny, and that they were the reason we were upgraded from the orphan's shack. Knowing this, I feel like we should befriend them or at least just get to know them a little bit. I mean, they seem nice enough and if they're orphans too then that means we have something in common, even if that something is extremely unfortunate.

Other than that, it's New Years Eve. Most people would be looking forward to an enjoyable evening of fireworks and counting down to the new year with their loved ones. But for us, we were all being welcomed into the new year with Nero's dreadful violin playing. As my mother always said: there's nothing worse than someone who cannot play the violin, but insists on doing so anyway.

Anyway, maybe Duncan and I will talk to the new kids. Maybe they're the type of people we would get along with.


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