16: The Bombshell Project

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Friday 26th May

I'm genuinely shocked.

Yesterday, Marlene asked me again if I liked Klaus and obviously I said no. I was kind of irritated because I thought we were past her asking questions about that. But then this morning she was acting really weird. I kept asking her about it but she insisted she was fine.

Then this afternoon she was like "I need to tell you something," so I asked her what it was and at first she still wouldn't tell me. I was so worried. I thought that maybe Carmelita had been horrible to her or that she'd found out some really bad news. She stayed silent for ages before finally admitting that she still has a crush on Klaus.

Then she immediately asked if I was annoyed with her, which I'm not. I'm just surprised because she seemed so certain that she was over him before. It makes me wonder how long she's been feeling like that. And I guess I feel bad too because she was under the impression that Klaus and I were a thing. That's probably why she asked me about it so much.

So after she told me, she asked for my "blessing". Um what? It's not like I'm Klaus' parent and it's not like they're getting married.

But anyway I played along and said she had my blessing and she was so excited. She hugged me and said "thank you" a million times.

The thing is, I don't feel excited with her and I don't know why. Maybe it's because last time I asked Klaus if he liked her, he said no. That's probably why I feel sick to my stomach: because I know he doesn't like her.

But the last time I checked with him was weeks ago. Maybe his feelings have changed?
That thought makes me feel worse.

- Isadora

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