2: The Mistletoe Project

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Friday 16th December

God help me. I forgot about this stupid diary. But I guess I might as well get some use out of it.

Basically there's been a little bit of drama this passed week. It's coming up to Christmas and so nearly all the girls have been squealing in excitement every time they go through a door. Why? Because of mother-effing mistletoe.

They get so excited thinking that someone might have left some in a doorway and so every time they go through a door they make sure to drag a boy along with them. It's actually ridiculous.

And you know what's worse? Some of them have taken it to the extreme (as most love-crazed teenage girls do) and have started waiting outside doors for their crushes, just on the off chance they can get "a special Christmas kiss".

This whole concept is killing me.

I'm so done with Christmas right now. I used to love it but this mistletoe bullshit is driving me insane. And with most lovey-dovey events comes the girls running around asking everyone who their crushes are.

Apparently me not having a crush on anyone "isn't good enough"

So now there's rumours going around that I'm secretly a lesbian in love with Carmelita Spats.

Oh joy

What a lovely time of the year

So much Christmas cheer


Also, there's rumours of new kids starting soon which made Carmelita stand on her table in the canteen and declare that they were her prey. So at least she got what she wanted for Christmas: a couple of fresh victims.

Well, I'm going to go and probably get shoved through a doorway at the same time as Carmelita (you know so people can confirm the stupid lies)

So, uh, bye bye journal.

Okay what. I just said goodbye to a journal

I'm blaming it on the mistletoe madness


(Still don't know why I'm signing off in my own journal. Stupid journal making me do stupid things)

I have no idea where this is going, just a heads up. But yeah, you know, just going with the flow.

This chapter is really short. Short and sweet? Heh I hope so

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