24: The Predicament Project

421 18 6

Saturday 1st July

I'm in class right now and I know I should be working but I have something on my mind. I just feel like I need to write this down and be honest with myself.

The whole point of a diary is to be honest and I feel like I haven't been. Well, it's not like I've lied (at least not really) but I guess I've just left something out? I don't really know why I've been avoiding it- actually I guess I do know why I've been avoiding it. I'm embarrassed. Once this is in writing I feel like it's real. There's no going back after I've written this down.

Why do I feel kind of sick? I just need to get this over and done with. I need to be honest and just get my thoughts out into the open. I think I-

I got caught by Miss Bass and she confiscated my diary until the end of the day but I've got it back now, hence how I'm writing in it. 

I think I'm just going to ignore everything I said before. Let's just pretend the rest of this entry doesn't exist. Maybe I should rip it out? But if I do that then I'll lose the last entry I did as well. Never mind. It's not like anyone else will be reading this anyway. 


Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I thought I would post two chapters today instead of one because they're both only little. Also, just to let you know, I revived an old twitter account the other day and now I'm using it for wattpad stuff like sneak peaks, updates and announcements so be sure to go follow me there @ htb12wattpad. Thanks for all the votes and comments on this story, it really means a lot :)

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