23: The Unfair Project

418 18 1

Wednesday 28th June

The other day, I found out some stuff from Duncan. Apparently Marlene and Carmelita are friends again and apparently they've been talking in secret. I'm not sure what they're up to but whatever it is, it's probably not good. I don't trust them one bit. Especially since I've started noticing Marlene following me around when I'm alone, instead of her doing her old trick of following Klaus. You would think that when I'm not with Klaus she would use the opportunity to go and bother him but it's almost like her target has changed to me.

Whatever's going on, I just hope it comes to light soon. I hate not knowing what's happening behind my back. It's making me suspicious.

Also, Duncan seems to think that there's something going on between Klaus and I just because we hang out everyday. He hangs out with Violet and no one bats an eyelid. How come they can hang out whenever they want but as soon and Klaus and I do it it's front page news? I don't see how that's fair in the slightest. Whatever. 

I really enjoy Klaus' company but that doesn't mean that I like him like that. We're friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Why is that so difficult to understand? 

Anyway, I should just forget he even said it. With Marlene and Carmelita conspiring, I have bigger things to worry about than whether or not my brother thinks I have a crush. Which I don't. Definitely not.


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