27: The Confession Project

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Monday 10th July

I can't believe Marlene. I thought that catching her sneaking around was weird enough but she's somehow got worse. I should've appreciated that her weird project had kept her away from her usual activity of stalking Klaus because now she's started doing it again. I noticed her a couple of days ago watching me but I pretended not to notice, just to see what she was planning to do. But she didn't approach me or anything so I kind of just forgot about it.

That was until this morning.

All of us were outside sitting on a couple of benches opposite each other, Violet and Duncan on one and Klaus and I on the other. It wasn't the sunniest of mornings but it was still nice to just sit and chat. For some reason, lessons were unofficially cancelled. I say unofficially because no one actually told us they were cancelled. We sat in our classrooms for about half an hour before we realised that neither Miss Bass or Mr Remora were turning up so everyone was just wondering around the school or sat outside.

It had rained last night so the grass as too muddy to sit on, hence why we took the benches. Anyway, we were just sat minding our business when all of a sudden a ball comes flying out of nowhere and hits Klaus square in the face. And to make matters worse, it was covered in mud and dirt.

We all jumped up and tried to figure out who kicked it but then our question was answered. Marlene came running over, shouting apologies, and I thought she was being genuine. Of course I was wrong. Nothing about Marlene is genuine. She then explains that she was aiming for my face, not Klaus', as if that counts as an explanation. I've come to the conclusion that she's an idiot. Who in their right mind would purposely kick a ball at someone's face?

Anyway, I told her to get lost when she tried to hug Klaus and she ignored me. Then Violet told her to leave as well and she finally got the message.

Luckily, Klaus wasn't hurt too badly, so far there's only a red mark, not any bruising. But maybe that will come through tomorrow. I hope not though because I'm sure Carmelita would relish in the idea of him having a massive mark on his face.

I ended up going with Klaus to the canteen to get some tissues to clean his face up and he said something that I haven't stopped thinking about.This whole thing is really stupid and I hate that something he said that was so normal could affect me  so much. But I guess I've known for a while. I might as well come clean.

I think I have a crush on Klaus.

Wow just writing that made me feel embarrassed. But this is a diary and a diary is a place for honest thoughts so yeah, I have a crush on him and I think I've known it for a while but I didn't really want to write it in here because writing my feelings out just makes it more real, if that even makes sense?

Anyway Klaus said I was a really good friend today. And as much as it's a really nice thing for him to say, I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt a bit. Not that I expected him to profess his love for me after I wiped mud off his face but you know what I mean.

Anyway, I should stop feeling so down about it and get on with figuring out the whole Marlene thing. I'm probably going to turn the tables on her and do some following of my own. After all, I only know about her suspicious behaviour because I was sneaking around so maybe I'll find another clue if I do it again.


Whoops my update schedule has gone completely haywire, sorry about that. Anyways I found this website the other day called Fighter's Block and it actually helps me write so much. Basically you fight this monster by writing and and then when you reach your word goal then the monster is defeated. I wasn't sure if it would work for me but it really does so if you guys are struggling to write I would consider trying that out!

Anyway, I hope you're all having a fun and fresh day, I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up but I'll announce it on twitter @ htb12wattpad so make sure you go and follow me there for updates and stuff :)

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