A Quick Author's Note

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Hey guys not to bore you to death but I can't help but feel like an authors note is needed, first of all because I love talking to you guys and also because I have a habit or disappearing with little to no explanation.

First and foremost, thank you so much for reading The Diary Project! I can't believe that it's finally finished after 3 long years! I doubt anyone still reading is a reader that was here from the very beginning but if you are then that's crazy and I can't believe you didn't give up on this story. Again, thank you so much. 

Second of all, I'm sorry I go off the grid so much. I know it doesn't look good, it doesn't make me look like I care or that I'm dedicated. And I'm not going to say that there was some big outside issue I had to attend to because there wasn't, I just go through phases. I've questioned it so many times and at this point I think it's just part of who I am. When I love something, I love it wholeheartedly, no expenses spared, and that goes for all of my hobbies and basically just everything I like whether it's movies, tv shows, anime etc. Because I have this passion for the things I love I think I'd explode if I didn't go through phases, which is why I guess I tend to come and bust out loads of content and then completely disappear. I know this doesn't really excuse my actions but I hope it at least clears some things up.

Anyway, let me move on before I go off on a tangent.

I'm so happy this fandom has become what it has. I know that when I joined wattpad 5 years ago yes, there were some ASOUE fans, but there was nowhere near as many as there are now. Thanks to the netflix show I feel like there's such a big community of fans now and it's so great to see. And it's such a nice community too. I'm so proud to be a part of it.

ANYWAY yeah I just wanted to say another big thank you for everyone who has decided to read this book. I hope you've had fun and I hope that if you did enjoy it you might consider checking out some of my other works as well. I have a couple other ASOUE fics if you feel like some more Kladora, otherwise if you want something completely different I have an original story that I'll be posting soon so look out for that! And as always I'll shamelessly plug my twitter because why not, its @ htb12wattpad and I use it to talk about writing and stories and all that fun stuff, so if you want, feel free to find me there and we can be mutuals.

I hope you have a lovely day and live your best life!

-heytherebro12 <3

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