3: The Thoughts Project

933 30 2

Monday 19th December

So a few days ago, Vice Principle Nero had a massive assembly. He obviously mentioned these stupid diaries, since this is apparently his pride and joy now, but he also mentioned new students which was a first.

I mean, there's been new students before, but not in a long, long while. I wonder why their parents hated them enough to send them here?

I guess we were all kind of expecting the announcement sooner or later though, since Carmelita had somehow heard it first and reported it to the whole school.

To be honest I'm not sure whether to be excited or not about this. At first I was because, you know, there's a small chance that they might actually be nice. But I guess if they're being sent to Prufrock there's a big possibility that they're little shits.

Whatever. I'll probably just let them get on with their lives and ignore them. Carmelita will either bully them or, if they're somehow as bad as her, adopt them into her little squad.

I guess I'll just talk about school a bit more now. It was pretty boring. Miss Bass made us measure things AGAIN. And Carmelita decided to sing for the whole bloody lesson and nobody told her off because she's apparently everyone's favourite person.

But anyway, the new kids are meant to be here after Christmas so that's fun.

How are you meant to sign off in a diary. I guess it doesn't matter but...uh bye?


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