15: The Suspicion Project

477 18 3

Tuesday 23rd May

The past month has been slow. Marlene and I have been hanging out most lunchtimes, just sitting outside or in the canteen. I've been trying to get her to come to the library with me but she says she's doesn't really like it because it's too quiet. Personally, I like that it's quiet and peaceful but I guess some people don't really like sitting in silence.

Klaus spends most of his lunches there so I'm never alone on the days when I feel like reading instead of chatting with Marlene.

I'm glad me and Marlene are friends. She's funny when she wants to be and it's interesting listening to all her crazy stories. I'm yet to figure out if they're actually true or not but they're entertaining all the same.

Violet comes and sits with us outside as well sometimes but recently she's been staying in the library with Klaus. As for Duncan, he kind of just does whatever. Half the time he disappears for most of the day and reappears at mealtimes. I haven't bothered asking him what he's up to. Probably ghost hunting or something else ridiculous.

Recently, Marlene's completely dropped her suggestions that there's something going on between Klaus and I, which I really appreciate. I mean, I had to tell her over and over but now she's finally got the message and has stopped asking. Although, I keep noticing her giving me suggestive looks when Klaus and I sit next to each other or when I say I'm going to the library. She's thinks she's being subtle but subtly isn't really her strong point.

Everything seems good right now (and when I say good I mean like life is normal for a change) but I can't help but wonder what's about to go wrong. There always seems to be something weird going on and it's made me concerned because everything seems normal right now. Too normal.

Maybe I should just be happy that there's no drama for a change. Even Carmelita seems to have packed up. Sure, I've seen her around being generally irritating and obnoxious but she hasn't been directly mean to any of us in ages. It almost seems like she's planning something. Or maybe she's just changed her ways and is trying out being nice.

Whatever she's up to, it seems suspicious.

- Isadora

Authors note:

Hey guys, it's been a hot minute since I wrote this sorry. When I started writing The Kiss is got really into and spent all my time and energy on that but now that's completed, my attention will be back on this.

Since updates can be quite short, since they're like diary entries, I've decided to post twice a week. Updates will be on Mondays and Thursdays. If there's any changes then I'll let you guys know either through an announcement or in an authors note like this one.

I hope you're all still enjoying despite the big gaps between some of the chapters!

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