21: The Feud Project

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Friday 23rd June

You know how the other day I mentioned that me spending more time with Klaus might deter Marlene and make her calm down a bit? Yeah I was wrong. Sooooo wrong.

Yesterday I spent the entire day looking for my diary so I didn't see much of anyone really. But today was a completely different story.

I tried to spend the whole day with Klaus, which wasn't difficult since we tend to do similar things. I made sure I sat next to him at lunch, which infuriated Marlene and she ended up doing a U-turn in the middle of the cafeteria. Either Klaus didn't notice or he just chose to ignore her, which I hope is the case. Maybe if Marlene isn't getting attention she'll stop? At this point, who knows?

Anyway, I made sure to go to the library and sit with Klaus before Marlene arrived (because she always, without a doubt, goes to the library despite not liking the place). We just did what we usually do which is sitting quietly and reading books. We sit in a comfortable silence until the bell goes and then sometimes we discuss what we were reading about and sometimes we don't.

But today, as Klaus and I are reading, I begin to lose my focus. Why? Because I could feel someone staring at me. When I looked up, I realised it was Marlene sat on the other side of the room, burning holes into my skull. I didn't know how to react so I awkwardly gave her some finger guns. Based on her reaction, she seemed to take it as a gesture of war. She leapt up with the book she was pretending to read, stormed over and chucked it at me.

She missed by miles but the fear of being hit in the face made me laugh nervously and she must of taken that as a form of aggression as well because she growled- yes, growled- at me and then ran out of the library.

So yeah, I don't know what the bloody hell that was about. I mean, I do, but I don't understand what went through her head to growl at me??? Like is she trying to be some sort of angry dog right now? Wait, I get it. She's acting like a bitch. Wow I'm a comedian.

Anyway, Klaus was pretty taken back by the situation and told me he's going to talk to her about it. I dread to think how Marlene's going to act around him if its just them two alone but I guess a message directly from Klaus might subdue her. I really hope so.

But despite the whole Marlene situation, I did really enjoy spending the day with Klaus. Maybe I'll do it more often, even if Marlene backs off. We'll see.


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