7: The Valentines Project

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Tuesday 14th February

So as you know, February 14th is Valentine's Day, and for some reason that's sent the whole school into crisis.

Vice Principle Nero might not be the most sympathetic Vice Principle but he sure as hell is emotional when he wants to be.
I woke up this morning to see paper hearts and valentines posters everywhere in the whole school and Nero even gave an assembly to talk about how much he loves love, which was a bit weird, followed by him dreadfully playing the violin to what he claimed was a romantic song.

Miss Bass had only given us Valentines themed objects to measure such as a rose, a box of chocolates and a stuffed bear covered in hearts.
Klaus and I jokingly discussed if we thought Mr Remora had sent them.
Once we got to lunch, and sat down at our heart-confetti-covered table (might I add), Duncan and Violet told us that Mr Remora had only told anecdotes about his love life and that they, too, had wondered if there was something going on between him and Miss Bass.

Our ghastly cafeteria food had been attempted to be served in heart shapes and as we tried to eat the least bad parts of our lunch, Carmelita came tapping along with a basket of heart shaped pieces of paper and sneered something stupid like "Oh no you cakesniffers don't have a valentine note to be delivered, sorry no one loves you."

I had frowned, not because I was disappointed to not have a valentine, but because Carmelita was annoying. Klaus had patted my hand and said "Don't worry Isadora, Valentines is a bit of a sham anyway."

It was a nice gesture but I wasn't really worried about having a Valentines. Personally I think if you love someone you should celebrate it everyday, not just on a day designated to give gifts and chocolates. Maybe that was just me.

But then Klaus said something along the lines of: "I think it's better to show your feelings verbally rather than on a piece of red paper."

To which Violet replied, "Go on then, Klaus."

It was an odd exchange but whatever it was about, it made Klaus turned the deepest shade of red I think I've ever seen.

I guess it made for an interesting day

To shower your lover in gifts and paper hearts,
Is how every materialistic relationship starts.

~ Isadora

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