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When Maddie woke up from her nap, the house's whole dynamic had been changed, though she didn't know it. Granted, she had slept straight through the night and to the next morning after her exhausting experience on her first day at the hideout. While she was asleep, Joker had ordered Frost to transform the bedroom next to Joker's into a little girl's dream come true. It looked like a pink, glittery unicorn threw up everywhere. It made J dizzy and nauseous whenever he was in there for too long. He had also decked out her closet with a variety of cute dresses, comfy pajamas, and even protective gear in a box at the back of the closet.

He figured spoiling the girl now would lead to more loyalty and less whining later. Little did he know that that is not how little girls' minds worked. The more you give, the more they expect, not the opposite. Joker had a lot to learn about the ideology of four year old girls, but there was plenty of time for him to learn.

While Maddie had been peacefully dreaming, Joker had been yelling death threats to his goons, using the perverted one he shot earlier as an example. But there was far more in store for the unfortunate pedophile. There was no way that the Joker was going to let one of his goons get away with touching his toy with only a gunshot wound to show for it. The man's punishment was far from over. The bullet was only the first instrument used in the offender's demise. J loved to draw it out though—he enjoyed psychological torture just as much as the physical kind. The suspense made them weaker, it scared them, drove them nuts with the wondering of what would be done to their beaten bodies next. He got high off their pain—and his own, but that was a different story.

So when Maddie yawned and sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Joker's men were trembling from the sheer power that she was unknowingly wielding. She was unaware that she had at her disposal the ability to kill any one of the men, and all it would take was one little complaint to her daddy. It wasn't a power that she necessarily wanted, but it was hers nonetheless.

Madeline found herself waking up alone in the same room she'd fallen asleep in. She hadn't really taken the time to study it, given the situation, but now, as she had nothing better to do, she observed her surroundings. There was sunlight trickling though the green and purple curtains. The bed she was laying on was noticeably large, with maroon covers. Nothing in the room really matched, she noticed, from the bright green walls to the red and black HAHAHAs that were scattered across them. But what did the Joker care for matching? He didn't really spend much time in his room anyway.

He was almost always to be found in his office, and he rarely slept, so the bedroom was purely for show as well as other... activities. Maddie happened to notice a large stain in the center of the bed. Her innocent little mind didn't even try and comprehend what it may be, other than checking herself to make sure she hadn't wet the bed. How embarrassing would that be, she wondered. Peeing the bed on my first night here.

Just as she began to get up and try and find Joker, though she didn't even know his name, the door creaked open to reveal her adopted father (though of course J wasn't going to go through all the legalities to properly adopt the girl). He smiled darkly when he saw her, overcome by his thoughts of total and utter chaos consuming the city. He was so distracted that he didn't even notice that Maddie had jumped off the bed until she was hugging his legs. J immediately shook her off, not a fan of physical contact unless it was absolutely necessary.

"No touching, doll. Now let's get busy. I want to teach you how to defend yourself so you can beat up anyone who tries to hurt you," Joker hummed.

"But, Daddy, I haven't had breakfast yet," Maddie whined. Though her father had been a good-for-nothing bum, he had managed to make sure she at least ate once or twice a day. Joker groaned internally as he remembered that he would have to feed his new toy.

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