Final Thoughts

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So I just wanted to take this time to explain my thoughts on the story, how it all unfolded, and answer any questions you still may have. (And if yours still goes unanswered, by all means ask away).

So I thought of this book sometime around late 2016 and started actually writing down ideas in spring of 2017. This project has been a long time coming and spent a good bit of time in development before I even thought of writing a chapter. The way my writing mind works is that I have to first get a basic idea, then get a reason for writing, something that's interesting and different, and then immediately after the basic premise I HAVE to decide how it's going to end or where it's going to go.

Without a purpose for writing, it just rambles and fizzles out until I'm no longer interested. My writing gets so disorganized when I don't know where I'm going.

In other words, I knew I was going to separate Joker and Maddie before I ever started writing.

Hate me if you wish for putting you all through that, but the purpose of this story was to provide a good example of Joker being able to love and care about something other than himself and chaos. There aren't very many fan fictions that are good at making Joker care about something believably, and I wanted to try my hand at it. I must ask of you all, was it a success?

Along the way, I've fallen in love with so many of these characters and they will stick with me for years to come. This story is close to my heart, and I've truly enjoyed writing it with all of you.

This is why I'm at all willing to do a sequel. Normally, I'm pretty opposed to doing sequels, because I think I'm pretty bad at them, and I quickly regret ever suggesting it. I don't want the sequel to be a letdown. The other issue is that I have is I have a couple of other projects I want to start that take precedence over a sequel just because they've been on the back burner to this book for so long. They deserve their chance to shine too.

But that introduces an entirely new problem. If I wait to start on a sequel I'm afraid I'll lose the characters and any ideas I could have (Growing Fire and The Dark Archer readers have seen evidence of this). But at the same time, if I don't write the new projects I'll lose them entirely.

What I'm getting at is that I have no idea how long a sequel would take to get to you. I'd rather just let a finished book lie, but I know many of you have expressed interest in a sequel. And as I said above, in order to start writing, I need a direction to take it. Sure, I can decide to ship Maddie with someone, but what would be the point? Where would I go with that? What would be the end goal?

I need these driving questions answered before I'll consider writing, lovelies. But, the first question should be relatively easy to answer. Who should I ship Maddie with? I'm putting my vote on Lex Luthor (that is how you spell it, right?), but I'll put it to you guys. And, if you want to see a one shot of the losing side, I'd be happy to supply in this book.

If you'd like Madeline to fall for a villain and watch J have a heart attack, vote here!

If you think she should date the most super of heroes and give J an aneurism, vote here!

If you don't know which person those go to, I can't help you, darlings. And for the love of all things holy, please leave an in-line comment. I won't count them otherwise.

Now that I've pushed my crazy agenda on everyone and crushed your dreams of a sequel, allow me to sincerely thank each and every one of you for all of the support you've shown thus far. All of your appreciative comments, immediate votes, and even not-so-passive aggressive requests for an update have meant the whole world to me.

I never thought it'd get this far. I never imagined anything I wrote would be read by 1000 people, let alone 40000. The growth we've experienced is what makes me so confident that we can do so much more. The bar I've set may not seem tangible, but I have the vision to see that it is. I never could have imagined how far we'd come when I started this. But I know better now. I know we can do better now.

I'm just so thankful for all of you. You kept me motivated enough to sit down and write til one in the morning to push out an update. You encouraged me to keep writing when I thought I wasn't talented enough to. So thank you all. Thank you so much.



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