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Today's the day, Joker decided.

He gathered all his patience and made his way up the staircase. It'd been a couple of days since they'd gotten home from Orlando, and Joker had decided that it was finally time to try again.

Maddie was still sleeping when he gingerly pushed the door open. It swung inward to reveal the preschooler sprawled out on the bed, snoring softly with Smiles tucked under her arm.

The corners of Joker's lips twitched up as he suppressed a smile. You really think that girl is gonna be able to do anything? She's already proved her weakness. What makes you think she'll ever be up for what you want her to do?

She's not weak, was all he countered with.

He tuned out the ruckus as best he could and sat down on the side of the bed next to Madeline's sleeping form. He reached out and began to gently shake her awake.

She woke up surprisingly easier than the very first time Joker had tried. Maddie rolled over groggily and blinked open her eyes, rubbing at them grumpily.

She grunted when she realized that she wasn't alone, glancing up to discover the face of the intruder. Her expression warmed immensely when she recognized the man sitting on her bed.

"Daddy!" She greeted sleepily.

"Hey there princess," he smiled. "Are you ready to start training again?"

Madeline's smile fell. The training led to the fair—which led to her disappointing her daddy which led to her getting hit. She didn't want to be hit again. But more importantly, she didn't want to disappoint her daddy again. But won't he be disappointed if I don't train anymore or at least try?

She was stuck, and Joker could see that. J could see the hesitation in her eyes, the fear. He knew that she didn't want to go down that road again. But she had to—and they both knew it.

"I thought maybe you'd like to learn how to use a bow. Like that, uh, princess. What's her name, Muriel, Meredith?" J coaxed.

"Merida," Maddie corrected.

"Yeah! That one, with the face and the, uh, hair," Joker laughed. "So whaddya say, doll, you wanna be a badass princess?"

Madeline sat there a long moment, but saw no way around starting training again. Who knows how he'd react to her refusal, especially after he'd just treated her to Disney World.

"Sure," she finally breathed. The reluctance in her tone and stance did not go unnoticed in the slightest.

If he was being honest, her distrust rather disheartened him. However much that Joker would like to pretend that nothing affects him, it would be a lie. He'd always been very protective of what was his, seeing as his toys were his property and therefore an extension of him, so anyone who tried to take them would be dealt with accordingly. But no matter how much he wished it wasn't true, Madeline was no longer just a toy to Joker. That's why he felt so tense around her and tried to stay away, and that's why the voices were so adamant that she had to die, or at least go away.

The unspoken sentiment remained that what Joker felt for Madeline was almost worse than love. When he looked at her he couldn't help but think, You make me weak. The resentment he felt then was so great that he was concerned that he'd lash out at her, demanding to know how she'd broken him. How'd you do it huh?! What have you fucking done to me?! I used to not give a shit about anyone, and now look at me! You've made me fucking pathetic!

But it was too late now. He was in too deep. There was no escape. You can't run from yourself. There's nowhere you can hide from your feelings. Or the truth. They're really the same thing anyway.

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