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I should probably apologize, J realized a week after the incident. The two hadn't spoken to each other. In fact, neither of them had spoken to anyone.

J only came to his revelation after it was reported to him that Maddie wasn't eating. Or sleeping. Or talking. Or doing anything other than sitting in her room staring at the wall as if it was a flatscreen television.

Andy and Tommy were worried out of their minds.

They'd had to force feed Madeline the little that she did eat, and whenever they touched her, she'd scream bloody murder like they were attacking her.

She'd sat, for days now, on her bed, holding Smiles, and that was it. No playing. No movies. Nothing.

Don't you dare fucking apologize. It's her that should be apologizing if anything because she didn't follow orders.

But I can't let her kill herself like this...
Because obviously that's a waste of valuable time and resources.

Joker tuned out the voices after that, not wanting to hear them screaming at him in his head.

Whether they (or he) wanted to admit it or not, Maddie was getting worse and worse, and if the situation wasn't remedied soon, there was no telling what may happen to her. She could even wind up crazier than me.

So Joker opened the door to his office, startling a random goon that walked past. The goon darted off, looking like he'd seen a ghost. Guess that's what happens when you hibernate for a week.

He snuck upstairs carefully, not wanting anyone to know where he was headed. Andy or Tommy might try to stop him, which would force him to kill them and make Madeline even more fucked up.

He didn't bother with knocking on her door. Why would I knock if I know she won't answer?

Madeline was staring blankly at a wall when he slowly creaked the door open.

Smiles sat in her lap, clutched tightly to her. Madeline's gaze was just as empty as her stuffed toy's.

"Mad," Joker greeted awkwardly as he stepped into her room.

No response came from the munchkin. It didn't appear as though she'd even heard him.

"I wanted to see if you're up for some training," Joker said, trying to act casual. It didn't work.

Madeline continued to ignore him, which would've pissed J off if he didn't already know that she wasn't aware he was there.

He cautiously approached her on the bed, not wanting to startle her but still needing to talk.

"Do you want some lunch, maybe? I could, uh, drive you out to get something," Joker tried. No response.

He reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. Only then did she seem to realize that she was no longer alone. She was about to start screaming, as had been protocol, but then she recognized the pale hand that rested on her shoulder and stayed quiet, in fear maybe, or relief.

She didn't say anything to greet him, but she did slowly turn her head to look at him where he sat next to her, which was a better response than she'd been giving everyone else.

J swallowed his pride.

"Do you wanna, uh, watch a movie together? I can have Frost put on one of those Disney ones you like," he offered over the cacophony of screaming voices in his head.

No words left her mouth, but a slight shake of her head gave J her answer.

"How about a drive? We can go out in the Lambo," he kept trying. Another head shake.

Will You Be My Daddy? ~Joker Fanfiction~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat