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"Play Frozen! Play Frozen now! Andyyyyyyyyy play Elsa!" Maddie bounced in her car seat as the car sat immobile in the driveway of the mansion.

All J could do was grit his teeth and try not to kill her. We haven't even left yet and I already want to jump out of the car.

"Maddie stop that nonsense right now," Andy ordered, not sure where all this energy had come from.

Was it just yesterday that she pretended we didn't exist?

This scheme had been sprung on Tommy and Andy late the night before.

After bringing Maddie dinner which they had to coax her to eat (which was weird because she'd refused to eat before and they'd had to force feed her), the two had retired to their bedroom. It had been 11:34 when a messenger had been sent to tell them about the trip the following day.

They had taken it well. Andy didn't faint, though he wanted to, and Tommy's jaw dropped. So that's why she ate today.

The pair had scrambled to pack their bags, panicking only slightly. That is, until they realized that they needed to pack Maddie's stuff up too. When this revelation came, Tommy had yanked Andrew out of their room and down the hall to Maddie's.

She was asleep when they had burst in, was being the operative word there because she had jumped awake as soon as the door flew open. Both caretakers were forced to make a conscious effort to calm down so they wouldn't freak her out further.

"Maddie, honey, your daddy has planned for us to go to Disney World tomorrow morning, so we need to pack up your stuff to take with us," Andy had informed her.

And her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

Andy and Tommy were still shocked when she leaped out of bed and took it upon herself to start packing as her excitement grew and grew.

Which leads us to her near temper tantrum in the mini van.

Andy finally acquiesced and turned on the radio, which Tommy had connected to his Pandora. Tom quickly selected Disney radio and put his phone down, quieting Maddie as she started humming happily to "Hakuna Matata".

J sighed in relief at her silence.

"How long is this drive again?" He asked wearily.

"Twenty hours if we don't stop," came Frosty's amused reply as he opened his door and climbed out of the vehicle.

"Where do you think you're going?" Joker demanded.

"With you here, boss, someone intelligent has to drive the weapons van," he smiled before closing the door back and striding away.

All J could do was growl out in annoyance. As the mini van rolled out as the first car of many, he began to think through the necessary steps to take over Disney for a day.

It'll need to be at night, though it'll be easier if some of the men hide out in the park. Keeping the hackers in after closing will allow them to shut down their servers from the inside so the rest of the guys can be brought in to take out security and get the park under lockdown. The last thing we'd want to do is trigger some alarms and get the police involved, at least not until we're ready to leave. Get some hostages as a safeguard in case something goes down. Plus we'll probably need a few ride operators to run the rides for Maddie so none of my moronic men screw it up and get her killed.

With those thoughts in mind Joker pulled out a cell phone and quickly dialed the number of one of his techies. He had arranged it so that his men of similar skill sets were in vehicles together.

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