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Maddie smiles in satisfaction as her assailant comes at her. I was hoping he'd choose the hard way.

The burly man throws a right hook, leaning too far forward on his right foot. Maddie bides her time until he's almost on top of her. Then, she ducks under his swing and rolls behind him, kicking hard behind his right knee. The leg bends and crumples under him as the man collapses to the hard concrete.

Maddie leaps onto his back, elbowing him hard in the back of the head. The man bellows in pain and rears up, Maddie latching her legs around his waist to maintain balance. She wraps her arms around his neck, tightening her grip to strangle him. The goon can't reach her, so he scrambles to get his gun out of his pocket.

Seeing this, Maddie kicks hard at the hand with the gun, continuing her momentum to kick him in the groin with her heel. He groans in agony and falls back to his knees, finally beginning to lose vision from lack of oxygen. With a final choke, the man passes out and Maddie climbs off of him.

She dusts off her hands and grins in pride at seeing her aggressor taken down. That means my target is vulnerable.

"Maddie! Princess, are you okay? That was so dangerous! Why didn't you just shoot him?" A panicked voice sounds in her ear, and Madeline sighs.

"I'm fine, Dad. It was more fun that way, and I was trying not to be too loud so I can still sneak in to obtain the target," she whispers as she presses her earpiece.

She creeps closer to the door, double checking that there are no more security personnel nearby.

"Still, was wrestling some corporate meathead the answer? Can't you get your kicks elsewhere? That guy could have killed you!" J lectures.

"Give me a break, Dad. I'm a big girl. Now shut up, I'm closing in on the target and I don't want to alert more security," Maddie replies.

As she goes to turn the knob, a fluttering sound behind her catches her attention.

"Your father is right, Madeline. You should be more careful," Batman growls.

"I was really hoping you'd show up," she grins as she turns around. "My Dad just doesn't want to let me in on the fun of fighting you."

With that, Maddie runs at Batman and attacks, punching him in the throat and dropping to sweep his legs. Unfortunately, his thick armor seems to have dulled her blows. She continues her assault relentlessly, both of them ducking and dodging each other's hits.

After Maddie flips out of one of Batman's holds, she cackles to herself.

"Now this is fun!" She laughs.

Just then, a truck comes crashing through the wall and hits Batman, sending him soaring through the air and incapacitating him temporarily. Joker comes climbing out of the passenger side and stomps over to his daughter, grabbing her by the elbow and dragging her back to the car.

"Dad!" She whines.

"I told you to be careful," he reprimands. "You're going home, I'll get the target."

"But I had it! Everything was under control!" Maddie protests.

"Oh, you mean like when Batsy had you in a stranglehold?" Joker asks.

"But I got out of it didn't I?" She points out.

"Don't care. I'm your father, and I say you're going home," J states authoritatively.

Maddie crosses her arms and pouts in the back of the truck with Tommy as Andy drives her home.

Will You Be My Daddy? ~Joker Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now