Squad Up (Pt 10)

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As everyone is planning their next steps, Waller comes back in to ruin everybody's day. Holding the nanite controller high, she turns the corner and sets an angry expression on them. Maddie turns in Rick's arms to face the wicked witch. She must be West since we just killed the Witch of the East.

"How are you not dead?" Floyd demands.

"Look, lady, we just saved the world. A thank you would be nice!" Harley remarks.

"Thank you," Waller deadpans.

"You're welcome," Harley replies.

"So we do all this and we don't get shit?" Deadshot asks.

"Ten years off your prison sentence," Waller says.

"Nah, that's not enough," Floyd denies as Boom laughs. "I'm seeing my daughter."

"That can be arranged," Waller allows. "Any other requests?"

"An espresso machine," Harley is quick to ask.

"BET," Croc decides.

"Conjugal visits," Maddie adds. Everyone gives her a look. "Joking, joking. You and I will talk later, Mandy."

"Ten years off a triple life sentence?" Boomerang shouts. "Darling, I'm walking out of here a free man or you and I are gonna start having some real fun."

"Why don't we have some fun?" Waller agrees as she hovers over his button.

Ultimately they all wind down enough to be brought back in and negotiate for what they want. Flag advises Maddie to request something practical, to show her soundness of mind while he pulls some strings to arrange her release. So, she begged Waller for an end to the torture, and when that was disputed, she asked for proper healthy meals instead.

Whenever he comes to visit her in her solitary little cell, Flag tells her what's happening outside and what progress he's made. His government connections are working their hardest, pushing for mental evaluations and investigations into all the crime incidents she was a part of. At one point he tells her he's been trying to get in contact with Batman, since she told him that the caped crusader has always been friendlier to her and tried to help her on the right track.

They talk about other stuff, too, once both parties apologized for their outbursts and harsh words. Flag confessed that after June and the witch died, a strong part of his love for June fell away, leading him to believe that the witch was, indeed, behind those emotions. They talk about June sometimes, how he always felt protective of her, and how they both agree it wasn't her fault that she was in that position. She was manipulated by the Enchantress just like he was.

It's actually through Flag that Maddie finds out that Joker is alive, and came here to break out Harley. She doesn't know if he's planning on breaking her out later or not, but she's hurt either way. Ever since Harley came around she's always been second priority. Not that it's Harley's fault, but for someone who claims that he doesn't really care about her and just likes to fuck her, he sure doesn't act like it. On some, twisted level he prefers her company, and he would see himself harm her rather than anyone else.

Maddie's always been his trusted soldier, even as a little kid. Their family dynamic is far from normal, and she used to love it that way. Until she learned that other people show their affection in different ways, ones that she likes more. Less tough love and coercion and more hugs and kisses. While her preference makes her think she's going soft, she can't help but stubbornly think that's a good thing. Maybe Dad knows how downhill I'm going and has chosen to pull out and abandon me. I can't blame him. Everyone eventually does. Even Rick will some day.

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