Squad Up (Pt 4)

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Flag halts the procession after passing under some rubble to assess the target building. He gives whispered orders to his men while Deadshot hovers nearby, eavesdropping.

"The body's at the top of that building," Flag says louder, pointing to the skyscraper at the far end of the street. "We get up there, get 'em out of the vault they're hiding in, we'll get off from the roof and deal with the rest another time."

Madeline finds herself migrating closer to the group stopped behind a car, approaching just as Deadshot asks Rick who's in the building.

"That's none of your concern," he replies shortly, lifting his gun up again to get moving.

"None of my concern?" Deadshot sasses, starting yet another argument between the two.

Maddie rolls her eyes and waits for it to be over, and in the process sees Harley totally zoning over a motorcycle. She has an idea of what the blond woman may be seeing, but she was still young the day her daddy made Harley Quinn from a naive psychiatrist. She didn't ever really get all of the details, and even if she did, the time that's passed since then would have melted them away.

Deadshot and Flag have finished their tiff by this point and begin moving with the rest of the unit, but Harley hasn't budged, likely still stuck in her own head.

"Harley, you coming?" Madeline calls out, startling the woman. Without a word, she follows.

They've hardly walked for five minutes when Harley is back to her old self, poking and prodding at the psyche of each of her teammates, though she knows well enough to leave Maddie alone by now. Questioning the young girl's sanity would just be cruel, and besides, Maddie dishes it just as well as she takes it. She's the likeliest to turn it around on Harley and start zinging her with jabs about her craziness, pointing out that she went from fixing nuts to screwing them. And since Harley's trying to have fun, she decides it'd be better to leave Maddie out of it and save some drama.

So she turns to Croc, a smirk on her stained lips, and cheekily inquires, "Why do you eat people?"

Maddie rolls her eyes, already knowing the girl's game, and speeds up her pace so she doesn't have to hear the psychopath picking apart the entire team.

"It gives me their power," KC replies gruffly, clearly unamused with Harley's antics.

"Would you like to eat me?" Harley purrs.

"Hell no!" Croc denies.

"Aw, why not?" She asks him with a pout.

"I don't want your crazy," the lizard-man snorts.

Maddie chuckles up ahead because, despite her efforts to get away and tune out, she can still very clearly hear their conversation, which means the Flag probably can too, seeing as he's only a few steps ahead of her.

"Says the guy who lives in a sewer," Harley points out in reply.

"At least I know it's a sewer," he quips.

"Oh, I get it," she exhales. "Because, like, this is a sewer too, only with nice shops and restaurants, right? You hate mankind much? Let me guess, Mommy didn't take you to Chuck E. Cheese for your sixth birthday. I can recommend a good therapist."

Croc snarls at the woman and she flinches back in fear before chuckling when he doesn't do anything.

"Why?" Diablo demands, annoyed with Harley's bullying.

"Because I'm bored," she growls. "I need a victim, a mind I can pry apart and spit in."

"Just leave it mate, she's a rabbit hole. Don't fall in," Boomerang advises the man.

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