Squad Up (Pt 1)

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The cloth sack is aggressively ripped from Maddie's head and the light hops in to blind her, making her blink and wince at the harsh fluorescent lighting in the room. Her arms feel sore from where they were tied to the arms of a wheelchair, apparently. She shakes her head like a wet dog to dispel the temporary blindness she's experiencing and is finally able to take in her surroundings.

Madeline is being rolled down the hallway at a rapid pace, approaching some sort of checkpoint run by guys in military scrubs and tactical gear. She's wearing the same ratty uniform she's worn since she got busted going in to rescue Harley.

After the crash that resulted in Harley's arrest, Joker asked that Maddie rescue her. There was no other person he trusted with the task. Unfortunately, the government must have seen that coming, as they were totally prepared for Madeline when she came and were quick to subdue her. The fact that they knew in advance when and how the breakout would be done made her think that there must be a rat somewhere in J's organization, a theory the clown himself shared. He cleaned house shortly after and killed the little snitch that sold out his princess. Now J has no ideas on how to get Harley out, let alone Maddie.

Speaking of the blonde, Maddie can see the back of her pigtailed head in a wheelchair further ahead of her. The muscle was grabbing her head while a scientist brought some sort of injection device to her neck and shot something into her, Harley shrieking sharply in protest.

"Harley!" Maddie shouts on instinct, frantically trying to follow her with her eyes as she's pushed on and around the corner. Harley still can't turn her head due to the device her neck is stuck in, but her sudden jolt tells Madeline she heard.

Her loud "Sugah!" only confirms that assumption.

Soon enough Maddie's chair is stopped at the checkpoint, and as she knows what's coming, she starts frantically twisting her head around to keep it out of reach, though she knows it's futile. Eventually the meathead grabs hold of her hair, making her yelp and freeze long enough to put her in the cursed neck holder. The same man in camouflage scrubs comes up with a different injection gun and, despite Maddie's whimpered protests, jabs the needle into her neck and pushes the trigger, shooting something into her. Whatever it is burns as it moves around. Shortly thereafter, some brute slaps a sloppy bandaid on the injection site, which is already sore.

Then the wheelchair is moving again, going in the same direction Harley went. Maddie finds herself riding behind her mother figure in a massive military escort along with more criminals behind her. One of the scummy guards approaches Harley and hands her something, muttering that it's from Joker.

"You're gonna tell him I took care of you, right?" He asks Harley frantically.

"You're so screwed," she replies, laughing hysterically as the man panics and splutters.

He sees Maddie and turns to her to ask her for support. "What about you, Maddie, huh? You'll tell J I took good care of you, won't you?"

"If by 'took good care' you mean 'tried to cop a feel' then yeah. I'll tell him that," she replies, disgusted. "Plus I'm only sixteen, you perv!"

The military men prevent him from going any further, leaving him to call after the girls in a panic. Harley growls under her breath when she hears what Maddie said, deciding that she and J both would have a hand in that sleazeball's demise. The girls are treated like cargo as they are loaded onto a large military transport plane.

The flight feels like forever because they're still tied in the same wheelchairs until the plane finally lands in a hot, bright patch of dirt on the outskirts of a city. Maddie and Harley are lined up after being unloaded and find themselves beside the same Gotham criminals they were stuck with on the plane.

They're in the middle of an army camp, soldiers hurrying to and fro about their business, most not sparing them a second glance, though Maddie imagines that Killer Croc alone warrants one. After a bit of pointless waiting in sweltering heat, some serious looking dude arrives and gives the criminals a stare down before ordering them to be released. All the men accompanying Mr. Stick-Up-His-Ass now take the time to stare and judge.

Maddie is surprised, but remains still and compliant as her ties are undone, following Harley's lead. After all, Harley is the one that has the connection to Joker.

"Harley Quinn, nice to meet ya!" She purrs to one of the stone-faced troops, sticking out her hand. After a moment with no response, she drops her hand and looks around.

"You'd think they'd never seen a lady before!" Madeline scoffs. "Didn't your mothers teach you any manners?"

"What's that?" Harley asks the empty air. "I should kill everyone and escape?"

Some look alarmed and turn on Maddie accusingly, who lifts her arms up in defense. "Hey, I didn't say that! I was talking about manners! Killing is the opposite of good manners. Duh!"

"Oh, sorry," Harley apologizes. "It's the voices!"

"Is that you again, Bob?" Maddie asks, teasing. "You are so much darker when you talk to Harley than when you talk to me or Daddy."

"I'm kidding, geez!" Harley chuckles. "That's not what they really said."

"Bob, what shenanigans are you up to in there?" Maddie wonders, staring pointedly at Harley's head.

The attention they garnered is lost when a large sack is hefted in and dropped to the ground, a soldier slicing it open with a knife. A man bursts out of the sack and socks someone in the face before he's subdued by Captain Hardass and put in a semi-chokehold.

More and more people seem to roll into the scene, bringing in their own drama and stealing the spotlight away from each other. Maddie feels the urge to yawn.

When the show-stealer is Mr. I-Hate-Everyone, he announces that the painful injections they all received were bombs that he can activate at any time should they try to escape or kill a "good guy". His shitty excuse for a pep talk only encourages sarcasm on the parts of Harley and Deadshot before he grunts and dismisses them to grab their battle gear.

"Oh, how I've missed you," Madeline purrs to her knee length white boots and fishnets. Her grown up version of the white, purple, and green leotard is there too, making her grin.

Harley lets Maddie use her as a sort of screen to change behind, but she herself unashamedly strips down with no qualms, humming to herself. The entire camp stops what they're doing to gawk at the girls. Madeline flushes and balks at everyone while Harley is cool and nonchalant, rifling through her weapons.

Maddie hurriedly finishes dressing and puts her hair up into two mini buns, one on either side of her head. Her own bin of weapons is pitifully empty, but her bow from Joker is there along with her quiver, both of which she slings over her head and shoulder, letting them rest on her back. She also buckles on her two thigh sheaths and slides a jeweled dagger in each, feeling like an assassin.

Whoever we're fighting doesn't stand a goddamn chance.


Obviously this is another AU, and even if this wasn't something you pictured, hopefully you enjoyed it anyway.

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